Remedies for Skin problems and diseases

Nov 17


Mohit Jain

Mohit Jain

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Are you faced with skin allergies and other types of skin problems. Ayurveda is considered to be the best cure for all your skin problems as it has no side effects on taking the medication. To find out more read this article.

Does your skin itch,Remedies for Skin problems and diseases Articles breaks out, has rash, or has some weird spots? If your skin is irritated or inflamed, feels odd and rough, reddens and has spots you may be suffering from some sort of infection, some chronic skin problem, or allergy. Although some of the skin conditions may seem insignificant, but they could develop into a serious skin disease.Skin problems and skin diseases go hand in hand. Many skin diseases generally develop due to neglected skin problems. Skin problems and diseases may range from acne, rosacea, eczema, mastocytosis, psoriasis, , freckles, leucoderma (vitiligo), warts and corns to serious skin cancers like basal cell skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer, or some rare types like Merkel cell carcinoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and T cell lymphoma of the skin. One of the main culprits of these problems is UV rays from sun. Consult a doctor if – you have a blemish or sore that does not heal or continues to itch, hurt, scab, crust or bleed for more than 4 weeks, look for broken skin or ulcer that appear without reason and do not heal within 4 weeks.Bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms and low immunodeficiency happen to cause most of the skin problems and disease. Based on Caraka Samhita, an ancient ayurveda scripture has mentioned about the healing properties of cow urine especially for leprosy. The recent researches also provide evidence that the cow urine distillate posses antibacterial and antifungal activities and inhibitory activity. These properties help in managing and thwarting bacterial and fungal infection. The mixture of Milk, Ghee, Curd, Urine & Dung, the five Gavyas or cow produce also known as Panchgavyas are beneficial for skin diseases treatment, urinary problems, joint pains, and ulcers since ancient times.Allopathic medicine has a host of topical antibiotics, antifungal, and anti-allergy medicines for the treatment of skin diseases apart for quite a few oral medicines.Some herbs for herbal skin disease treatments are - Bee Balm, Cornflower, Eucalyptus, Goldenrod, Lavender, Sage, St. John's Wort are Antiseptic, Bee Balm, Eucalyptus, Green Tea, Lavender, Lemon Balm are Anti-Bacterial, Aloe Vera, Green Tea, St. John's Wort, Dandruff-Mint, Lavender, Rosemary as Anti-Viral and Aloe Vera, Valerian for Shingles.