Robin Quivers' Breast Augmentation Success
The popular radio personality has had some success with her previous breast augmentation procedure.
Robin Quivers,

the bubbly radio personality most widely known as the sidekick on The Howard Stern Show, had breast augmentation surgery in 1990. Uncomfortable with her large breasts, Quivers decided this would be the most beneficial for her health. Because she suffers from a condition that grows her cup size, previous reports noted she asked to be reduced to a C cup. Unfortunately, her surgeon denied this request, but was able to get Quivers down to a D sized cup. Although the breast augmentation was a success, Quivers later reported that her breasts grew back after a few years. She is now registered as having a G cup size. Robin Quivers was asked to join up with Howard Stern in 1981 and would later become his main sidekick and news anchor on his show. Although the Howard Stern Show has moved from station to station over the years, Quivers has always been a staple personality and close friend to Howard Stern. Although many recognize her image and voice through radio, many people do not know about her life before radio, much like her undergoing a breast augmentation in 1990. Before her start in Radio, Quivers attended her hometown University of Maryland for nursing. After later joining the United States Air Force, she eventually found her passion for broadcasting. After she received the rank of Captain in the Air Force, she attended a broadcasting school in Maryland, paving her start in radio sometime around 1979 or 1980. Soon after her start in radio, she would be invited on the initial roller coaster ride that was Howard Stern's start in radio. This was elaborated and embellished further in Stern's 1997 film, Private Parts, produced by Ivan Reitman. While her personal life has been mostly a secret, a few celebrity blogs note her previous boyfriends. She has stated before that she would prefer to keep her personal life private, which is rather odd considering the story about her breast augmentation was relatively public. Despite this, she continues to make light of many situations about her life on The Howard Stern Show. Listeners tune in daily to hear each of them make light about their respective pasts, and much again was revealed about each of them in Howard Stern's move, Private Parts. Currently broadcasting with Howard Stern on the Sirius Satellite Radio Network, Quivers can be heard each morning amongst a variety of comedians, journalists, guests, and other personalities invited by Howard Stern. While Howard Stern is known for so-called raunchy and indecent humor (his public radio station has been fined over 2 million dollars for "indecent" programming), the private, for profit radio station allows all characters nearly complete free reign. Nevertheless, Quivers has always been something of the voice of reason on the shows, maintain a funny grace and intelligent humor that rises above much of the man-child immaturity that mixes well with Stern's content.