Rolling Walkers Help Physically Challenged and Ambulatory to Get Walking
Rolling walkers are designed to help physically challenged and severely injured who are still ambulatory to move about with more ease. There are a large variety of rolling walkers available that will suit most people’s needs
Apart from rolling walkers there are the standard walkers without wheels,

built with telescoping aluminum supports, they are ideal for people whose injuries are not permanent. The standard walker is inexpensive and considered to be a ‘throw-away’ as once the injured are rehabilitated, they no longer need the walker. The rolling walker is designed for long term use by many permanently disabled people, and also for people whose balance is challenged by various reason including aging. Among he many rolling walkers available, the rollator is probably the one most well known. It has been in existence for over half a century. The first rollatiors was a basic standard walker with wheels attached to it. Because of the wheels attached to it the person using it does not need to lift and drop the walker to move forward, the wheels makes the movement much smoother. All rolling walkers require the user to be sufficiently stable and strong enough to be able to control the walker as it has wheels. Without control the walker will roll ahead of the user causing them to overbalance and fall. Modern rollators come equipped with brakes which can be set easily by the user. And for added comfort it has a drop down seat, which allows the user to rest between walking when they tire. The Hugo walker is a well-knows brand of rolling walker, it is popular because it comes with a variety of features and functions. Available in aluminum or steel frames with a large variety of colors and styles, it also has brakes and drop down seat. However, the Walklite rolling walker revolutionized the industry by catering to the needs of users at a price that is affordable. It has a flip-up seat, brakes, 5 inch wheels, a backrest that is adjustable for more comfort, and the frame is lightweight aluminum. In addition this walker can support up to 300 lbs of weight. There are several questions you need to ask yourself when choosing a walker: • How often will you be using it, • Where will you use the walker, indoors and/or outdoors• Would you need to fold it down for transport• Would you need a carrier to be able to allow you to take it on an airplane• Do you need a shopping basket, laundry basket• A tank bracket for oxygen• How much weight it can support and can it support you• Adjustable heights for less strain on back• And many other questions you might think of make a list before shopping for your walker. Both Hugo and Walklite rolling walkers have a long history of durability and reliability. They are easy to maintain, with regular checks of wheels, brakes, bolts, and nuts and a general inspection to check on overall safety of your rolling walker.