Root Canal - Know the Facts for This Procedure

Oct 28


Aaliyah Arthur

Aaliyah Arthur

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You may not be too worried about getting a root canal once you find out how it can actually help you. Learn the basics of this procedure.

When you hear the dreaded words,Root Canal - Know the Facts for This Procedure Articles "you need a root canal," you may find yourself experiencing sudden anxiety. Hopefully, this article will help to alleviate your fears by examining the procedure in detail, thereby allowing you to experience a relatively pain-free experience.

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save decayed teeth. The nerve and the diseased pulp tissue are removed from the inside, and then the pulp chamber in the inner part is hollowed out, cleaned, and sealed. For anatomy purposes, the pulp or pulp chamber is the soft area within the canal, which is where the nerve also lies. It can be safely removed from the mouth since it isn't really vital to its functioning other than providing sensation to heat and cold.

The nerve and the pulp can both be damaged from decay, a crack, or a chip in the teeth, large fillings, or facial trauma. The damaged nerve or pulp must then be removed because it will subsequently break down and bacteria will multiply in the pulp chamber. This can cause an infection or abscess, which is a pus-filled pocket that spreads past the ends of the roots. An ensuing infection can cause swelling in the head, neck, or face; a hole in the side of the tooth due to problems with drainage; and bone loss around the end of the root. Some of the symptoms indicating the possible need for root canal treatment include severe toothache when chewing or applying pressure, increased sensitivity to heat and cold, gum swelling/tenderness, tooth darkening, or a pimple on the gums.

A general dentist can perform this procedure, although sometimes the service of an endodontist, a practitioner who specializes in dental pulp or nerve root problems, is used. An x-ray is performed to examine the size of the canals and to see if any infection is present. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area surrounding the tooth. A rubber dam is placed around the area to keep it dry, and then an access hole is drilled. The pulp and nerve tissue are removed and tiny files are used to scrape the sides of the canals, using water or Dakin's solution to remove any remaining debris. If there is no infection present, the tooth is sealed. However, if an infection is noted, medication will be placed into the area and then the dentist will wait a week or more to seal it to ensure that the infection has cleared. In that case, a temporary filling is added to the mouth to keep out any contaminants. At the next appointment, the tooth is sealed with a rubber compound, and a filling is placed on the initial access hole. Usually a crown is placed in the mouth afterward in order to restore or protect it.

Now that the process has been explained in more depth in this article, maybe you can rest easier when you hear your practitioner say, "you need a root canal."

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