Scoliosis Surgery
This article provides useful, detailed information about Scoliosis Surgery.
Technological advancements have made all kinds of surgery relatively easy,
and Scoliosis Surgery is no exception. Earlier, patients underwent a drawn-out process of surgery, followed by treatment and casting. They also took several months to recover. Today, although Scoliosis Surgery still takes several hours, patients are released within a week. In addition, post-operative bracing is required only for certain kinds of surgery.
Surgery is the only method to rectify congenital Scoliosis . In other types of Scoliosis, such as adult Scoliosis or adolescent Scoliosis, Surgery is reserved for very severe curves. It is generally used as the last resort, after the patient does not respond to bracing.
Doctors recommend surgery for children and adolescents with curves greater than 40 degrees. Adults with such curves, who are experiencing pain and discomfort, are also advised by doctors to undergo surgery.
Doctors employ different surgical techniques and methods to treat different types of curves. The posterior spinal fusion surgery is used to rectify a thoracic curve, while the anterior approach is used for waist or hip deformities. Posterior surgery is generally used to treat adolescent idiopathic Scoliosis in conjunction with instrumentation and bone grafting. This operation takes several hours, but the patient is released within a week and does not need to wear a post-operative brace. The patient can go to school or work after a couple of weeks, and resume all pre-surgery activities within a span of four to six months. Anterior surgery enables faster recovery of patients and better spinal functioning. However, post-operative bracing is required.
Scoliosis Surgery is used to correct the abnormal curve and prevent it from increasing. However, several complications are involved in this treatment option. These include anesthesia-related problems, infection, post-surgery pain, excessive bleeding, nerve and disc damage, loss of balance and mobility, and fracture.
To sum up, Scoliosis Surgery can rectify severe spinal curves and prevent their progression. However, surgery can result in complications. Therefore, patients must approach only specialist doctors and discuss the possible benefits and risks of surgery before undergoing it.