Self Medicating Acid Reflux
When you began to notice changes in the operation of your body, such as a continuous reoccurring heartburn when you eat, it might be the beginning of Acid Reflux Disease and time to seek the council of a doctor to make sure. Most doctors will recommend a doctor visit if the heartburn occurs more than twice a week. The occurrence of heartburn will also help you determine if your treatment is working to control the heartburn effectively.
When you began to notice changes in the operation of your body,

such as a continuous reoccurring heartburn when you eat, it might be the beginning of Acid Reflux Disease and time to seek the council of a doctor to make sure. Most doctors will recommend a doctor visit if the heartburn occurs more than twice a week. The occurrence of heartburn will also help you determine if your treatment is working to control the heartburn effectively.
Other courses of action that can be very effective in controlling Acid Reflux is as simple as changing some areas in your lifestyle, often this will improve the symptoms drastically. There are actually several ways to lessen the symptoms of this disease. Changes in habits and diet work very well for some individuals and avoiding the triggers can make living a life void of Acid Reflex a real possibility. This is really dependent on any damage and the severity of the damage that is already done.
Eating smaller meals has worked very well for many people with Acid Reflux Disease. They find that steering clear of the couple of larger stuffing meals a day for smaller more spaced out meals a day will very effectively control the level of acid in the stomach because it is not as full and the chances of acid getting into the esophagus is easily avoided. Dividing a sandwich into two small meals is much more effective than eating the whole sandwich in one meal, would be a fine example smaller meal consumption.
In addition to eating smaller meals, it is very advisable to avoid lying down on a full stomach. Anyone should allow at least two hours of food processing time before assuming the prone position. If you are accustomed to lugging around extra weight, tight clothes and belts that will restrict the midsection you will be more susceptible to Acid Reflux. Getting rid of excess body weight can have a tremendous impact on relieving Acid Reflux. Smoking and some medications are triggers that should be avoided. A doctor is more capable of informing you of any medication you might be taking that could be causing you problems as well.
While taking these lifestyle changes into consideration can do a lot to lessen symptoms, some will find that they still need more help. There are OTC medications that work very well along with these suggestions. For some people there are stomach abnormalities that will need to be dealt with surgically. If the problem comes from a Hiatal hernia for example then surgery is a likely prescription.