Caring for sensitive skin is a high-maintenance job! Sensitive skin is characterized by its extreme intolerance unfavorable conditions be it environmental conditions or other external stimulus. It gets very easily irritated on contact with foreign particles especially incompatible skin care products. The degree of skin sensitivity may vary from person to person. It isextremely important to maintain caution while dealing with sensitive skin. This is why it is advisable to use skin care products especially formulated for sensitive skin.
All skin types respond negatively to detergents and harsh chemical based skin care products. However,

the damage is caused when the effect of the ingredients cross the tolerance level. This tolerance level is very low for people with sensitive skin. . As a result, the skin gets damaged very easily. Sensitive skin care products do not contain any potential irritants or harsh chemicals. Some products could contain very low concentrations. Instead, they contain mild ingredients that treat the skin without disturbing it.
Here are some tips to take care of sensitive skin care effectively:
Use Skin Care Products formulated for Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin care products contain ingredients that address the key concerns of sensitive skin and treat it effectively without causing any irritation or damage. Also, make sure you check the instructions on the products and look for any specific restrictions and warnings that it may contain.
Go Low on Artificial Additives
Even when you use products for sensitive skin, make sure you choose the ones that have minimum amounts of artificial preservatives, colors, fragrances and other additives. This is because artificial ingredients can irritate the skin and react adversely.
Avoid using Toners
Toners are generally alcohol-based and therefore end up drying and irritating the skin. Thus it is not recommended for sensitive skin types.
Wear Protective Clothing
While doing laundry or other cleaning activities that require you to be in contact with chemicals, always make sure that you wear protective gloves.
Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure
The UV rays of the sun tend to penetrate the skin surface and cause damage. Since the tolerance level of sensitive skin is extremely low, it is all the more susceptible to damage. Therefore, avoid excessive exposure to sunlight and always wear a broad spectrum sunscreen when you venture out in the sun.
Avoid Exposure to Pollution & Dust
Dust and pollution can wreck havoc on the skin. In the case of sensitive skin it becomes all the more dangerous. Therefore, make sure you wear protective clothing and cover yourself well when you venture out.
Look for Labels
If the products are not labeled as specifically being for ''sensitive skin t' then choose products that are labeled 'hypoallergenic,' 'non-comedogenic,' and so on. They are the ones that don't cause any allergies nor serve to close the skin pores.
Use Soap-free Cleansers
Make sure your cleanser is not soap-based and does not contain any alcohol. This is because soaps and alcohols are harsh ingredients that serve to dry the skin and damage it. Sensitive skin may react very adversely to soaps and alcohols.
Don't Over-Exfoliate
Exfoliation is a key process to scrape off the dead skin cells from the surface and reveal new healthy ones from beneath. However, excessive and harsh exfoliation can do more harm than good. They can cause inflammation and even lead to skin redness.
Avoid Using too much Make-Up
Make-up and cosmetics contain harsh chemicals that can irritate sensitive skin. Therefore, go with minimum make-up and make sure you don't keep it for too long.
It is important to understand that sensitive skin is very different from normal skin. Therefore requires specialized care and attention. You need to be careful with your skin and use products that address its specific concerns.