Seven Things You Should Know About Breast Augmentation
Seven things you should know about breast augmentation if you are considering this surgical enhancement.
If you are considering having breast augmentation surgery you have probably already starting looking at the types of implants available,

placement options and what to expect. You may be overwhelmed by the amount of information that is available on the World Wide Web and not know where to begin your search for information.
The first thing you should research is the different types of implants available. Your options include saline or silicone gel. You can find plenty of information about the pros and cons of both of these choices and ask your doctor about any concerns you have based on your research.
You should also look at placement options. You have three different placement options- either under the muscle, on top of the muscle or a partial combination of the two. Each placement option carries its own pros and cons including the duration of your expected healing time.
You should also look at the risk factors of your surgery. Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery performed but like any surgery it carries risk and you should be aware of them so you can talk to your doctor about them.
Another thing to consider is the size of implant. Many women opt to go to large and the results are less than satisfactory. Do your research on what size will work for your particular body frame and try out some “falsies” available from your doctor so you can see how they will feel.
Another factor you will need to at least be familiar with is the cost. You need to make sure you understand the entire cost of implants. Your doctor’s fees for example are separate from the fees from the surgical center or hospital where the surgery will take place. And the anesthesiologist will have a separate fee on top of that. And you will likely have some down side after your surgery where you won’t be able to work so you will have a loss of income to consider in.
Make sure you understand the after care you needs you will face. Before you can go buy new bras and clothes you will have to recover and you will need to have a realistic idea about what your recovery will look like from surgery.
Finally you will want to research your plastic surgeon. Implants are created equal but the skill or lack of skill on the surgeon’s part can make your implants your dream come true or your worse nightmare. Make sure you understand how to find a qualified surgeon, know what questions to ask and ask to see photos of their work. It’s not unreasonable to talk to several doctors and make sure the one you select is the right one for you.
This guideline should help you as you work your way through all of the information available out there and help you make the best decision possible.