Simple Autism Prevention

Jun 5


Phil Bate, Phd

Phil Bate, Phd

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Simple Autism PreventionThere are hundreds or maybe thousands of new products on the market to help autism patients. But, since there's no money...


Simple Autism Prevention

There are hundreds or maybe thousands of new products on the market to help autism patients.  But,Simple Autism Prevention Articles since there's no money in it, there's been very little or no attention given to PREVENTING autism.

Here's a very simple therapy that does just that:

At the start of pregnancy (or even before), start taking a minimum of 4000 mg (4 grams) of vitamin C, split into 2 grams with breakfast and 2 grams with dinner.  (I get 1 gram tabs at Costco pretty cheap.)

At lunch take a good megavitamin with a day’s supply of minerals, and stress vitamins, such as Solgar's VM-75 or an equal with good minerals as well as extra vitamins.  BTW, the so-called "pre-natal" vitamins "prescribed" for pregnant women are actually more expensive and less effective than "standard" equivalents. VM-75 is much better IMO.

Since vitamin C in these amounts acts as a mineral chelator, it will gradually take out any mercury, lead, and other toxic heavy metals that cause autism.  Just eating tuna fish (a staple for pregnant women it seems) gets mercury into the body.  The increasing use of coal in power plants also puts mercury into the air and soil. This mercury added to that in vaccines is the CAUSE of autism in general.

If this toxicity is removed over the length of the pregnancy, the liver will be better able to filter out new mercury, and autism should go down to the 1 case in 10,000 of not so long ago.

For those women further along, double or even triple those amounts and split them up more so as to literally saturate the blood.  This should be enough to give the new baby a start without a toxic handicap.  The only “bad” side effect from Vitamin C is diarrhea!

The other prevention is to NEVER let the MD’s/hospitals give your child more than one or two vaccines at one time.   Big Pharma has lied many times about the mercury in vaccines, and proved that it cannot be trusted.

What is chelation?  The word means to “grab onto”, and a chelation chemical is designed to grab onto minerals in the bloodstream, form a new molecule that is water soluble, that is then filtered out via the kidneys and urine system. 

Because of the lies about vitamin C made by Big Pharma, very few MD’s and others in the health business know that Vitamin C has the same action.  It also combines with the minerals in the blood to form a water soluble molecule, similar to the action of a chelator such as EDTA. 

Glutathione is another similar chemical.  In autistic infants and children, it is almost absent.  This means that an autistic child has very little chance to get rid of mercury, lead or aluminum unless these “natural” chelators or some other chelation method is present.  (There are many really expensive methods of getting glutathione into the autistic person, but all are relatively poor.  Both vitamin C and glutathione go out of the body in a few hours.  Vitamin C is much cheaper.) 

The job of the liver is to filter out toxic minerals, store them, and gradually release them back into the bloodstream IF, AND ONLY IF, there is a chelating chemical present.  This means that if an autistic child is tested by using blood, urine, or hair samples, the result will usually be a FALSE negative. 

This fact has been used in court cases to “prove” that mercury wasn’t the cause of the autism.  More lies by Big Pharma!

 Note that the above regimen has vitamin C at breakfast and other vitamins and minerals at lunch.  This allows the Vitamin “C to take out minerals for the hours it lasts in the morning.  By noon, the Vitamin C has gone when the multi-vitamin/mineral pill is taken.  This allows the nutritional minerals to be absorbed,  With all chelation, ALL minerals are taken out of the body, and so the ones needed have to be added back into the body.  Otherwise, the shortages of nutritional minerals may cause other problems.

Do you know any pregnant woman?  If so, pass this on.  It's cheap insurance, and as an added benefit, the woman won't get colds and flus while carrying the baby.