If you've always wanted to have clear skin, you have to read about the 3 simple rules to clear up your skin quickly. It may surprise you, but some of the things you're doing now could be hurting your skin more than helping it...
One of the easiest ways to prevent, to a certain extent, the emergence of pimples and the spread of acne is to keep your skin clean. While the hormonal causes of this condition cannot be addressed by simple washing, you can still prevent excess sebum from clogging pores and grime and bacteria from accumulating into them.
Thus, at the cost of a couple of minutes every day, you can actually stop acne from running wild and popping up everywhere it feels like. However, there are certain simple rules one must follow in order to make washing an effective tool against acne.
1. The first rule is to avoid using hot or cold water on your face. Facial skin is one of the most sensitive parts of your skin and should never be washed with anything else than lukewarm water. Hot water will burn the outer layers and cause the pores to open up too much, thereby exposing yourself to even more danger.
Cold water, on the other hand will force the pores to contract and you will no longer be able to clean them, thus defeating the purpose of washing. Neither scalding your face nor freezing it is recommended. Lukewarm water is gentle on your skin and more effective at removing sebum and grime than hot or cold water.
2. The second rule is to avoid using soap or other cleansing chemicals. Soap will disrupt the natural balance of facial skin by removing too much sebum and leaving the skin dry and unprotected. It will also leave behind a film of substance that can easily clog the pores and cause acne... which is something you are trying to avoid.
Other chemicals, such as creams and ointments, will usually dry out your skin and cause redness and swelling in time. Avoid them like plague. Plain water is enough for keeping your facial skin clean.
3. After washing, you should pad your face with a soft towel. As you may have noticed, the basic idea is to be gentle to your face skin at all times. A harsh toweling would only serve to open a thousand tiny lesions in your facial skin - all of which can turn into entry points for bacteria and germs. Needless to say that you do not want this to happen.
If you follow some or all of the simple rules above, you'll be ahead of the game when it comes to your skin. Be gentle with your skin and you'll enjoy beautiful and wrinkle-free skin even in your old age.
6 Reasons that Prove You Need a Trading System
There’s no doubt – the Forex market has more money floating around than just any other investment vehicle. And that’s on a daily basis, considering every minute more than three trillion dollars are exchanged daily in the Forex market.You can win or lose thousands in just a few minutes.But can you consistently make profits?How the Forex Market Works
Foreign exchange trading, also known as Forex or FX, is a trading investment vehicle that is used by plenty of big banks, but how exactly do they make money trading currencies? Read on to find out.Forex Trading – Should you Invest?
What happens in one market will always have an effect on what happens in other countries forex markets, but it’s not always for the bad. Since there’s nearly 3 trillion dollars traded daily within the forex market, often times a bank will be the source of forex trading. There’s plenty of currency exchanging hands, but should you get involved with forex?