In this article I’ll break down some simple steps to health and give the reasons why, sure we all know we should do things to aid health, but knowing why is more motivating.
The food crisis: limp lifeless foods = dull lifeless people, you need the nutrition from natural foods, no pill or potion can replace these. Get hold of the freshest fruit and veg you can and eat it raw. Cooking is a heat treatment that kills off the more fragile nutrients. Make juices and smoothies as these are fun, easy to digest and leave the nutrients intact.
Avoid sugar: of all the innovations of the food industry refined sugar, when eaten sets you up for hours of blood sugar peaks and troughs. It’s a high calorie stimulant, not a nourishing food. Avoid it!
Water: invest in a water filter for the home, they are simple and cheap, some need no installation. It will save you a fortune in bottled water and get you in the habit of keeping hydrated.
Movement: you have two major fluid systems in your body, your blood and your lymph systems. Your blood supply has a pump, your heart which circulates the blood delivering oxygen and nutrients all round the body. The lymph system, which we hear less about, is just as important, this system has no pump and relies on muscular movement and deep breathing to be activated. Lymph fluid runs round every cell in the body washing away the toxic by products of your cells working. Without movement your cells are effectively swimming in their own toxins. Work up a sweat doing some activity everyday and understand why you instantly feel better!
Your path in life: be honest with yourself, it’s your life, it’s not just happening to you it’s something you can control and steer. But if you don’t know what you want you’ll drift aimlessly. Take 20 minutes and a piece of paper and write down what you want. With a physical reminder you can then ask yourself what you did day by day to make it happen. If it’s a mayor goal then work out a path and a timeline to get there. Life is a journey, plan yours and get what you want from it. Don’t just follow the herd or bob about in the river.
Addiction: Weather its cigarettes, sugar, caffeine, whatever. Understand the nature of it and educate yourself on the topic. I thought nothing of loading everything with sugar, thinking it was a natural food. On learning all I could about nutrition it took me I week to eliminate sugar from my diet completely. Why? Because I understood it and that motivated me to make the change. Knowledge is power to beat harmful habits.
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