Simple Steps to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Jul 24


Sneha Raghunath

Sneha Raghunath

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You and your partner have decided to have a baby. Getting pregnant and having a baby is a great feeling.


Best time to have sexThe highest probability of conceiving is on the day of ovulation and two days before it.Ovulation happens when an egg is released from one of the ovaries. Once that egg getsfertilised by a sperm,Simple Steps to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant Articles you become pregnant. Predicting the ovulation days is easy for thosewho have a regular cycle. An ovulation predictor kit tests your hormone levels and indicatesthe days that you are most likely to ovulate. Your basal body temperature and cervicalmucous are a few ovulation symptoms that you can track yourself. However, if you haveirregular periods, then it may be hard to predict your ovulation days. Irregular periods or noperiods at all for three to six months should be checked by a fertility expert.

Knowinghow to get pregnant and being aware of your fertile days can help you conceivefaster.  How long does it take to conceive? Women who are over 35 years of age take longer to conceive. Those who have somelifestyle habits that can affect fertility, like smoking, may also take longer to conceive.Typically, healthy couples are able to conceive within three months of trying. Any conditionthat impairs fertility can delay pregnancy. It is best to consult a doctor if you are less than 35years of age and unable to conceive even after trying for a year. Women over 35 years ofage should seek medical help if they are not able to conceive within six months of havingregular sex without protection. Your pregnancy gets delayed as you get older. This isbecause your egg quality decreases with age. Get your body readyBefore you start planning to have a baby, it is important that you get your body ready forpregnancy. Giving up on caffeine, alcohol and smoking and taking nutrients essential foryour body is important to get pregnant. Your body weight also affects your capability toconceive. Both underweight as well as overweight couples tend to face problems inconceiving. Boosting your chances of getting pregnantIf you and your partner are determined to have a baby, you could start by first meeting ahealthcare provider and discussing if your body is in shape and fit to have a baby. Takingfolic acid a month before you start trying to get pregnant reduces the chances of any risks ofbirth defects. Quitting smoking and drinking and limiting the consumption of caffeine is agood start towards a healthy pregnancy. The next step is to find out your most fertile windowand have sex. Your partner should also take measures to improve his fertility like skippingtobacco and drugs and limit alcohol intake. A healthy weight and a nutritional diet help inproducing strong sperms. You could now look out for some early pregnancy symptoms. A missed period, foodaversions, frequent urination, mood swings, sore breasts, light spotting, abdominal bloatingor nausea are some of the indications that you may be pregnant. It is time for you to meetyour doctor and confirm the pregnancy.

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