Skin Care for Infants
This article tackles skin care for infants. It gives advice to new parents about conditions that can occur in infants.
Skin care for infants is a tricky matter because many,

if not most, new parents are very concerned about this. The advertisements of the various dermatologic products aimed at newborns do not help in alleviating the concerns of parents worldwide. As a matter of fact, some of these products may actually spur some misguided notions in parents.
Pediatricians do not recommend bathing the newborn completely until the child is about several weeks old. The usual recommendation is to use a sponge or a washcloth to wipe the infant. Even the mildest baby soaps are not recommended for use, unless the infant is exceptionally dirty or soiled. The use of soaps can dry out the baby’s sensitive skin and cause a rash to break out. Warm water may be enough to clean up the newborn. A gentle and none abrasive washcloth or natural sponge will do wonders in cleaning.
If the baby is exceptionally dirty, a mild soap especially formulated for infants and warm water can help to restore cleanliness. Infant skin care is something that parents should be aware of because drying out the baby’s skin can lead to dryness and irritation. Applying a mild and gentle moisturizer can help but many pediatricians do not even recommend this unless the baby has especially dry skin or has developed a rash or skin condition.
Sun exposure helps reinforce the newborn’s bones and prevent some conditions. It is important to note that healthy sun exposure is around six to seven in the morning. In some areas of the world the sun may be too harsh for a baby after these times. Exposure should not be too long, around ten to fifteen minutes under the gentle morning sun for several days a week helps. The baby’s clothes and the detergent used to wash these also factor greatly in his or her skin care. Since babies have sensitive skin, it is necessary for them to be introduced slowly to detergents and other chemicals that may cause skin disorders, if there is a need for this.
Exposure to harsh chemicals may be something that in inevitable for the child since growing up will bring these on him or her. For the first few months of his or her life, mild baby soap can be used to wash the clothes and other clothing that the baby comes in contact with, such as crib sheets, washcloths, bibs etc. It is important that the baby not be too protected from daily chemicals or agents because exposure, in small amounts can help the baby build immunity or protection against them. In spite of this, many parents always prefer that their children to be less exposed. This is not to say that intentional exposure is a good idea, but it is a good idea to get the baby used to daily agents that are used in the house and in the environment.
Skin care for infants can mean just keeping the baby clean and fresh by wiping with warm water. The use of too much soap and cleansers, even organic or natural ones, can be detrimental to the skin.