Spread of Health Information Technology in the US

Apr 27


Sharad Gaikwad

Sharad Gaikwad

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For over a year now, the health IT devices have been witnessing a sudden spurt with several new devices entering the U.S.market.


Several analysts believe that smart phones,Spread of Health Information Technology in the US Articles tablet computers and personal digital assistants have given a new direction to the healthcare IT market. Apple has already come out with a third generation iPad a month ago with several features that appeal to the medical community. Cisco predicts there will be 2 billion networked mobile devices in theU.S.by 2015. 

Government policies encourage providers to switch over to EHRs although penalty for non-compliance is frowned upon by many analysts. Federal incentives for the “meaningful use” of EHRs did impact many hospitals and clinical practices across the nation and many of them are on the path of adopting e-health apps. Today there are web based applications that allow movement of healthcare data along with the patient through all points of care. Tablet based applications are already in use which encourage patients to participate in care, after discharge from hospitals. With the entry of Telemedicine, real time communication between patients and physicians has become smooth and easy. 

Issues Involved:

Health information technology is fast picking up and it is in the threshold of innovations for making delivery of care more and more efficient. However, it is facing many hurdles across the nation. Adoption of EHRs and health information exchange are two such areas. Sharing of patient information, ensuring privacy of the patient and security of the healthcare data are major issues today. EMRs are being implemented but their interoperability, security of patient data and usability continue to pose serious concerns among healthcare providers. Exercising control over patient data is another major hurdle they come across while exchanging patient information with unaffiliated organizations. Then there is the growing spectrum needs. According to experts in the field, growing reliance on wireless devices can put the demand and supply position of spectrum under severe stress. 

Needing Immediate Attention:

These are issues that need immediate attention. For example, providing clarity to rules concerning exchange of information such as, data that can be shared and the methodology of sharing information as well as educating the patients would go a long way in building patients’ confidence in the information exchange processes. Training needs of physicians is another important arena that seeks prompt attention. Since health IT has a major role in everyday care, physicians are required to be trained for using EHRs and other computerized tools. Simultaneously this should be expanded into all levels of physicians’ education and professional development. However, doctors and hospitals should have the freedom and flexibility to implement innovative practices that work for them. Also spectrum related issues need to be addressed on priority basis. 

A Wake-up Call:

The very shaping up of Health care is an ongoing process and it needs to be guided by legislation and technology. Like any other technology that has overcome initial teething troubles, health IT too would pass the test of time. It holds great promise for improving productivity, workflow, coordination of care, enhancing cost savings, and evidence-based comparative effectiveness and the industry and the legislature cannot afford to ignore it.