Stop, Spot, And Fight Skin Cancer Before It Spreads
Prevention and detection of skin cancer are two sure fire ways to beat melanoma before it spreads. Read on to learn more.
Regardless of new information about skin cancer,

people are still hesitant to make lifestyle changes. Look on any beach and you’ll see bronzed beauties baking themselves for hours without the protection of sunscreen. While a tan may appear healthy, as soon as your skin changes color you are putting yourself at a great risk to developing this type of cancer. The good news is that many forms are largely preventable. If you do develop cancerous cells, early detection can also ensure you completely rid yourself of this disease.
The easiest way to fight this form of cancer is to never deal with it, which is why prevention is key. You’ve been beaten over the head with applying sun block liberally during the summer months, but that is only half the story. Many doctors are now recommending that sun block be worn year round whenever exposure is possible. That doesn’t mean you have to slather yourself to run outside and get the paper. If you plan to be out in the open for extended periods, even when its overcast, the suns harmful rays are still present and can still cause some damage to your skin. Consequentially, you want to choose a moisturizer or sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher and one that protects from both UVA and UVB rays.
Putting on cream once simply doesn’t cut it though, unless you are only out for a couple of hours. You should reapply according to the instructions on the product, which may include after contact with water or excessive sweat and every few hours. It also takes the cream a few minutes to become effective in blocking the rays, so apply it a little in advance of your outdoor excursion. In addition to keeping greased up regularly, wearing sunglasses, a hat, and protective clothing such as long sleeves and pants when possible will greatly cut down on skin cancer risks. An umbrella can also help keep sun off of you during long walks.
Did you know that you could develop skin cancer even if you’re a regular sun block bather or hide in caves for the majority of your lifetime? One bad burn, even in your youth, can result in cancerous cells, so just because you actively try to prevent it, don’t think you don’t have to do regular spot checks as well. Smoking is another activity that can increase your risks. The most common signs of skin cancer are several different types of moles. Most people have birthmarks or moles that are not dangerous, but it is important to keep track because they can change over time. Moles that increase in size, change texture, color, or shape are all potentially forms of cancer. If you notice any marks on your skin that are painful, tender, hard, scaly, or even bleed sometimes these are also symptoms of skin cancer. It is important to have these checked immediately by a doctor who can take a sample and have it tested. Many forms can be completely removed if detected early enough.