Acupuncture provides miraculous healing of those awful body pains that antibiotics and medicines otherwise fail to reduce. Whether you are suffering from back pain, arthritis, joint pains, or severe migraine/headache, acupuncture has a whole new world of remedies for your intense suffering.
How does acupuncture work to heal body pains?
Acupuncture means inserting needles into the skin at precise points to let pent-up energy start flowing within your body. The theory originated in China and specifies about an essential life energy “qi” [pronounced as chi] that flows through the body along invisible channels called meridians. It is assumed that when energy gets conjured up in certain points instead of spreading in the entire body, then it leads to intense pain and suffering. Acupuncture or insertion of needles leads to re-flow of energy into all parts of the body and thus pain is reduced.
Acupuncture arthritis knee ankle painArthritis is basically an inflammation in the joints, ligaments or tendons that can occur in any part of the body. Ranging from mild joint stiffness to crippling disability, arthritis becomes more severe when the person wakes up from sleep. It occurs in the form of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gout that gives people an unimaginable pain.
Acupuncture arthritis knee ankle pain treatment is simply unique as it reduces the pain within just 3-4 sessions. At least four to ten needles are inserted into your skin and you are made to relax for 30 to 40 minutes. The needles are inserted into the points lying along the meridians overlying muscles and various other tissues but never into the spinal cord, brain, chest, blood vessels, abdominal organs, arteries or veins.
Acupuncture for sinus, headache, and migrainesMigraine and sinus are severe forms of headaches, which are characterized by throbbing, pounding, pulsating of nerves in your head. While migraine means pain in any one part of the head, sinus means pain in the entire temples, eyes and parts around the nose. These are characterized with nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue, photophobia [extreme sensitivity to pain] and constant irritability.
Although sinus and migraine often cannot be cured with antibiotic medicines, acupuncture for sinus headache migraine can do wonders to these pains. For these pains the best treatments are manual acupuncture and auricular acupuncture. This means no electro-acupuncture is used but each needle is manually manipulated like twirling by the hands of acupuncture practitioner. Auricular acupuncture means insertion of needles into the earlobes to provide stimulation to the body. Acupuncture seems to work best on fibromyalgia, back pains and soft-tissue pains.
Acupuncture detox carpal tunnel syndromeCarpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that is characterized by pain, tingling and numbness in the areas of fingers, hands and sometimes radiating up to the elbow. Acupuncture treats carpal tunnel syndrome through scalp needling. This means acupuncture needles are inserted into different points on the scalp and in meridian points in hands and face. This involves applying magnets, taped metal pellets and staples on acupuncture points on the body, earlobes, face and tongue of the person to get better and instant cure.
Simply try out with acupuncture to get miraculous cure within minimum time.
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