Perhaps you may know that quitting smoking brings great benefits but you may be not be aware how much it brings much benefit and greatly improve your life and health despite the amount of years you’ve been smoking.
So it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been smoking for 1, 3, 10, or 30 years. Your body will experience healing as soon as you cease to smoke. In facts your body will start to heal by itself as soon as you stop smoking for the last 20 minutes.
Below is the breakdown of the benefits that you will experience after you’ve stop smoking.
Time after You’ve Stopped Smoking and Benefits Your Body Will Experience
20 Minutes - Pulse rate and blood pressure returns to normal.
8 Hours - The level of carbon monoxide in your body drops and the level of oxygen in your blood increases.
24 Hours - Chance of heart attack reduces.
48 Hours - Nerve endings regenerates and food smells and tastes better.
72 Hours - Breathing becomes easier as bronchial tubes relax.
2 Weeks to 3 Months - Decrease of tiredness, shortness of breath, coughing, congestion, energy increases and walking and exercising becomes easier.
1 Month to 9 Months - Cilia in the lungs regenerates. Reduction in the shortness of breath.
1 Year - Risk of heart disease decrease by 50% compared to a smoker.
5 Years - Risk of lung cancer decrease by 50%.
10 Years to 15 Years - Regeneration and replacement of pre-cancerous cells. Same health risks of a non-smoker.
Other Benefits of Quit Smoking
More than just health, quitting smoking includes other benefits as well. I’d say that regaining control of your life would be the main one. On top of that you’ll definitely save a bulk of cash and setting a better example to your family and your community.
Ask any ex-smoker about their journey and their benefits and it’s not surprising that you may them say they have a sense of pride and accomplishment, being more positive and productive at work, improved appetite, having better relationships with people, increased energy levels, better appearance, better attraction and the list goes on.
Here’s what you can do, come up with a list of reasons to quit smoking. Think for a moment. What are all the possible benefits, including short term and long term benefits you will experience when you decide to quit smoking.
The more detailed and more specific, the better. Include how you feel about yourself and how you will feel if you’ve succeeded to quit smoking. The clearer you are about your reason, the more focus you will be about quitting.
Guide To Quit Smoking By Understanding Relapses Part 2
As you are going through the denial-binge cycle and denying yourself from smoking, you stress level will continue to rise as you keep thinking about lighting up a cigarette over and over again.Guide To Quit Smoking By Understanding Relapses Part 1
A relapse is what happens when you smoke again after a period of time of not smoking. The question is how to you actually perceive a relapse? I personally believe almost all smokers will experience a relapse and it should also be viewed as a learning experience.Finding Out Why The Ways To Stop Smoking Didn’t Work For You
If you went searching on how to quit smoking online, you will already have come across plenty of resources on ways and methods to quit smoking. Most of them actually states ways that actually are effective to quit smoking but it’s not universal.