Swine flu has been a popular topic since April 2009. There are many symptoms of swine flu and can affect each person differently. Most cases are mild but some have been fatal.
Swine flu which is also known as H1N1 is a flu-like virus that can spread from person to person. It is different from the regular flu because it is affecting many young healthy adults and kids and the number of people getting hospitalized is larger. It is called swine flu because the same virus has also been seen in pigs.
Back in April 2009,
the number of people catching the swine flu virus started to become concerning. World health organization got involved and decided to assess the situation. Many people were getting sick with flu like symptoms and what made it odd was that it was happening outside of flu season. It was also not affecting the typical people who would normally catch it. A third of people over 65 had immunity to it and young babies were not suffering as much as the older kids were. It was striking healthy young people and making them very sick.
It also spread from country to country very fast and started sending healthy people to the hospital. Although many people have only suffered mild cases there were still higher than normal amounts seen in the hospital and even suffering death. Most people who died from swine flu, died from the result of an illness associated with it.
Not only were healthy young people catching swine flu and having a hard time with it, so were people in the high risk groups. These groups include; pregnant women, people with asthma, kidney disease, lowered immune systems and people with diabetes.
Symptoms of the disease include but are not limited to; fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Vomiting and loose bowel movements have been noted but are not in every case. A person could have one of these symptoms or all of them. It also has been reported that in many of the deaths that people seemed to be getting better when their fever returns making them very ill.
It was advised that immediate help should be sought if any of the following symptoms happen, in kids; fast and trouble breathing, bluish, not waking up, fever with rash, not wanting to be held and irritable, and not wanting to drink. In adults the list include; breathing trouble, pain in chest, dizziness and confusion, and vomiting that doesn`t seem to stop.
Swine flu germs seem to stay on surfaces for two to eight hours and someone infected with swine flu is contagious one day before and up to seven days after.
The best way to prevent swine flu is to wash hands frequently and not put hands up to the face in public. If a family member is sick, try to keep everything clean and stay away from that person as well as keeping hands washed. A vaccine has also been developed and is available for everyone to take.
Swine flu is spread by either touching a contaminated surface and then touching your mouth or nose or eyes, or it can be spread by breathing in the air of someone infected, since it is also air born. Not everyone is catching it, and the duration of sickness in people is different, it is also striking hard on people randomly.