Symptoms of Pregnancy in the First Week

Nov 30


Rinki Rawat

Rinki Rawat

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One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy is a missed or delayed period. However, the symptoms vary in each woman. It usually takes about two we...

One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy is a missed or delayed period. However,Symptoms of Pregnancy in the First Week Articles the symptoms vary in each woman.  It usually takes about two weeks for a woman body to produce the HCG or pregnancy hormones. It is very important to understand the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy to avoid any confusion. Early symptoms may include feeling sick, tingling nipples, fatigue, etc.

Here are few symptoms of pregnancy during the first week.

Delay in Menstruation:

Regarded as the most common sign of pregnancy, a delayed or a missed period is what forces a woman to take a pregnancy test. It is one of the surest symptoms of pregnancy. Although, bleeding can occur in many women, but it usually happens in a lighter way than a period; which makes it different. Some women may also experience an irregular menstruation cycle making it difficult for them to spot a missed period. 

Light Bleeding:

Light bleeding from implantation can happen after 6-10 days of conception where the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall. It can be the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. Some women can experience cramping as well.

Tender breasts or tingling nipples:

A woman can have a swollen breast after one or two weeks of conception. You may feel a sensation in your breast as the pregnancy hormones increase the blood flow. Your breast may feel tender, swollen, or sore. However, these symptoms subsidise after some time.


Not considered as a sure symptom of pregnancy, but it is definitely a common one. You may feel tired or restless after the first week of conception. Although, there are some reasons like depression and exhaustion that can also leave you fatigued.


It is often termed as morning sickness, and is pretty difficult to deal with. It is a common sign of pregnancy which can occur within 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. Some women are lucky to escape this completely. Despite of its name, morning sickness can happen during any time of the day. It can cause nausea, vomiting throughout the pregnancy.

Food Cravings:

Pregnant women can feel a craving for certain food type like pickles, lime and ice-cream. This desire can last through the entire pregnancy which may also develop into the change of taste. Some women may dislike the taste of coffee, tea or other foods which they used to like earlier.

Backaches and Headaches:

Lower backaches and headaches are a common thing to happen during pregnancy. The hormonal changes in your body during pregnancy trigger headaches and lower backaches.
