Taking hot shower is bad for health if you do not have whole-house water treatment systems installed
Shocking report in the American Journal of Public Health revealed, chlorine had been linked to significant increases in certain types of cancer and st...
Shocking report in the American Journal of Public Health revealed,

chlorine had been linked to significant increases in certain types of cancer and stated that "up to 2/3s of the harmful exposure was due to skin absorption and inhalation while showering." Let get this straight, I am not trying to scare you into installing whole house water treatment. After you have understood the simple scientific facts about your skin reaction if you bath in hot shower, you can make your own judgment.When your body or skin is under the stream of hot water, the pores of your skin will open up. For those who had undergone facial treatment using blow of steam to open up your pores for better cleansing should have that experience. The purpose is to clean the dirt which is trapped inside the pores after the pores open-up. On the contrary, when pores open up, it allows the high rate of absorption of the Chlorine and chemicals to get into the skin. Causing dryness, itching, flaking and premature skin aging. You can definitely tell the difference after you come out from swimming pool after dipping inside it for 30 minutes.Another thing you should know is, Chlorine gas, chlorine by-products such as Trihalomethanes (THM's), chloroform and many synthetic chemicals may become vaporized in hot shower water and become a concentrated area for toxic gasses. The steam we inhale while showering can contain up to 20 times the level of chlorine and other synthetic chemicals than tap water due to the fact that these chemicals vaporizes at a lower temperature and at a much faster rate than water. You are consistently inhaling these gasses with regular shower activity and this may pose a long term health risk.More than often, peoples are very much concern about the water they drink directly and also about the water they use to cook, so they always use filtered water for those purposes. But sadly, not many peoples are aware of the effect of non-direct water usage which might affect their daily life as nothing less than direct water usage. Without whole house water treatment system, chlorine and chemicals will be embedded into the clothing during laundry, soap scum form on dishes with chlorine present in hot water, chlorine gases being released which aggravate asthma and allergies, smell of chlorine which often trigger sensitive nose, hair loss (or less hair due to dry hair is easily broken) and dry skin eventually causing premature aging problem.However, before installing whole-house water treatment systems, there are a few key sections a system must have to make home water treatment system works effectively:-Pre Filter - The system must have this feature installed to mechanically take away the any residue or sediment which is greater than certain size (normally is around 5 microns) which will prolong the lifespan of the main filtration system.Atomization Filter - This is where chlorine is being transform into chloride a rather harmless form of chlorine.Activated Carbon Filter - Filter away chlorine, reduce taste and odor from our home water supply.You must not take this lightly, especially if any of your family member is having asthmatic problem or skin allergies, it is very important that you install home water treatment system and you can see how their condition improve after. It has been tested and proven, chlorine and synthetic chemicals caused cancerous problem and you do not have to risk that by installing whole house water treatment systems.