The 4 -Must Do- Motivational Steps to Weight Loss
How do you find the motivation to successfully lose weight, or rather, to carry on the battle day after day? This article will offer some ideas to help you get motivated to succeed in your weight loss endeavours.
Working out regularly can become difficult for a working mom,

especially with the pressures of daily life. I know it only too well as my wife is a working mother. She has always worked, even before we were married. Stress related to work as well as taking care of the family makes it extremely difficult for her to stick to a weight loss plan.
That being said, she is an expert at finding time to exercise, I don't know how she does it! She always says that if we can find time to brush our teeth and take a shower every day we should be able to find time to exercise. My reply to that is that they are things you have to do each day to avoid things like tooth decay and skin infections.
OK, she would say, what about obesity, heart disease and any number of countless problems you may suffer from because you haven't found time to exercise daily. Two points to note here; 1. Never argue with my wife, you will always lose and 2. We should all make sure that exercise is given the same priority as brushing teeth and showering and become part of our daily routine.
Never use lack of time as an excuse to not exercise, you would be right though if you think it may be because you have a fear of exercise, lets face it, it isn't very pleasant when you start doing it; we've all heard the saying 'no pain no gain' haven't we! Or it maybe because you do not know where to start so hopefully the advice we outline below will be of help to you in achieving your fitness goals.
1.Don't workout alone, find a workout buddy:
Working out on your own is not always pleasurable! Working out at the gym with someone else will improve your motivation. greatly making your exercise routine more enjoyable and easier! Have you ever noticed how quickly time flies when you are chatting, God knows my wife can talk! Sometimes she doesn't even realize she's been to the gym!
2. Listen to music whilst working out:
Not exactly a new idea but one that works extremely well as it eliminates the boredom , sometimes encountered when carrying out a particularly boring exercise routine.
3. Eliminate those exercises that bore you:
You will inevitably have exercise that you dislike, replace these with exercises you enjoy doing as persisting with them will result in you getting bored and eventually stopping your exercise.
4. Don't go crazy:
Take your time; if you have never exercised before you can do yourself considerable damage by not allowing your body time to adapt and strengthen. Although it will be beneficial to exercise daily you should ignore people who say that you should do right from the start if you want to lose weight.
You should begin with say fifteen to twenty minutes per day, on two or three days a week and as your body becomes accustomed to exercise and your new workout routine, you can increase the number of days you work out and the length of time you work out for!