The field of age management and anti aging supplementation and lifestyle products has become a practical overnight success in this new millenium. Not only are we more focused on our daily habits that contribute to our longevity on a daily basis, but now we are looking for that next step in the evolutionary process that's going to take human life to the next level.
After all, as a species, that's what humans are programmed to do. We are programmed to seek an enhanced existence, as well as a longer life span, and a higher quality life span at that.
So it's no surprise that a new field of specialization, which of course has received criticism from the medical industry, called Age Management specialization, is growing in leaps and bounds.
Age Management specialists are not necessarily certified in the traditional sense of medicine, but they are definitely knowledgeable in the field of anti aging, and nutritional supplementation. They also may favor the use of HGH, or Human Growth Hormone.
It's the real thing too, so it doesn't come cheap. Some question the long term safety of HGH, and the medical industry only believes in giving HGH injections to those with specific growth problems as children and only for other specific medical conditions.
Human Growth Hormone is the hormone that we all produce as children, and that we usually stop producing as adults in our twenties some time. It is widely believed that this lack of production of HGH in our twenties is what leads to our steady decline into gray hair, aging, sagging skin, decreased energy and sex drive, and the numerous other unsavories that go along with the aging process for men and women.
So, what could you expect if you were to start seeing an Age Management specialist? Well, first of all, it definitely is not going to come cheap. The visits and consultations, nor the supplements are going to be covered by traditional insurance plans, unless insurance makes a shift to more of a complementray or alternative medicine mindset, which I unfortunately don't see happening in the near future.
Which brings me to the point that there is definitely something wrong with our insurance programs as well as our health system if we are more willing to pay for things like chemotherapy and kidney dialysis than education and supplementation and diet plans that will keep people healthy and away from these types of treatments.
Call it preventive medicine, I guess, but to me it's senseless not to support preventive measures that can keep expensively treated diseases at bay many times.
Another thing you can expect is a specialist that usually has the time to sit and talk with you at length about your life, your habits, your goals in your anti aging regimen, your exercise routines, your stress management, and other things of the like that can not only impact your perceived quality of life, but also your longevity in years.
Age Management specialists argue that their care is much more individualized, and that they can take the time to provide one on one care with patients, whereas traditional doctors may not, because they have too many patients and are expected by insurance companies to keep costs down and their time open.
You may or may not expect to be put on HGH injections, this really depends on the practitioner, but you will certainly be taking a lot of nutritional supplements and vitamins, something I always advocate. I think vitamins and supplements have made a tremendous impact on my quality of life and the way I look and feel.
How can one argue with the fact that one's hair is shinier, skin is brighter, attitude is more cheerful, and energy levels are higher when they begin taking a routine of supplements? Millions believe vitamins and supplements have benefited them, so for any "studies" to play this fact down, is really just an insult to our intelligence, as well as a signal that medical science and natural therapies sometimes do not mesh.
Should you see an Age Management specialist? Well, I certainly would say that if you have the money to do it, and are one that is concerned with staying as young as possible for as long as they can, it would be worth your time to check it out at least.
There are also ways in which you can improve your health and increase your odds of longevity on your own though, and it really begins with you, regardless you who you "see". It never hurts to get a professional's guidance though.
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