The Body Lift: Transforming Your Physique
When one associates the word “lift” with cosmetic surgery, it is usually with terms like facelift and breast lift. But these procedures only address small areas of the body. Not to take away from their effectiveness, but they are relatively minor procedures when compared to the body lift. For many, this procedure can probably have a more dramatic impact than any other single surgery.
When one associates the word “lift” with cosmetic surgery,

it is usually with terms like facelift and breast lift. But these procedures only address small areas of the body. Not to take away from their effectiveness, but they are relatively minor procedures when compared to the body lift. Now performed as a series of operations by some of the most advanced plastic surgeons in the country, this method of cosmetic change can make an enormous difference in the way you look. It can take a saggy, flabby physique and turn it into something spectacular. Though not the cure for obesity, this procedure can probably have a more dramatic impact than any other single surgery.
In many cases, the body lift is done over a lengthy period of time, and it incorporates several smaller procedures to create an overall effect that has to be seen to be believed. Candidates for the surgeries come from all over the spectrum. Individuals, who have gained and lost weight in a rapid period of time whether due to pregnancy or simply poor lifestyle choices, will often be dissatisfied with what they see in the mirror. Gravity will have its way with you, no matter how hard you work out in the gym. The body lift can reverse those effects and give you that smooth, sleek build you’ve been looking for.
An important thing to note is that there are two types. The first is the upper body lift. This is typically a combination of removing loose skin around the bra line, removing any excess fat that needs to be eliminated, removing loose skin from the abdominal area, and so on. Sometimes, the patient may wish to augment the procedure with a breast lift or implants to complete the effect. The end result is a much smoother looking appearance, with sagging and wrinkling largely taken care of. If your desire is simply to look better naked, this is one of the best procedures you can have.
Of course, not every body type is the same. Many women carry their problems below the waist, and for them there is the lower body lift. This procedure is similar, except it focuses on removing excess skin and fat from the buttocks, thighs and lower abdominal area. It may include a full tummy tuck as part of the procedure, though this is something you’ll have to discuss with your surgeon.