Hemorrhoids (sometimes called 'piles') are small lumps of tissue composed of blood vessels, muscle, and elastic fibers. Hemorrhoids are always present in the anal canal, just past the anus. It is only when they become inflamed and enlarged that they cause problems.
Hemorrhoids are not choosy when they pick their victims. Men and women are equally affected, though those between the ages of 40 and 60 seem to have a higher rate of hemorrhoids, as well as pregnant women.
Hemorrhoids are not inherently dangerous unless they bleed continually. Their location means that they are fed by arterial blood, so those who have a hard time clotting or have a lowered immune system may consider hemorrhoids a more serious problems than others. Caused by poor diet and straining to pass bowel movements when constipated, hemorrhoids are easier to prevent than they are to treat.
Prevention is as simple as eating right. Leafy green vegetables, beets, apples, whole grains and other foods high in fiber are a great start. Fiber is the greatest defense against constipation. Herbal supplements like psyllium seed help as well, if your diet is poor. Start with small doses, though, and work your way up. Adding prune juice to your diet is helpful as well.
Drinking plenty of liquids that are non-caffeinated will also help constipation fade quickly if hemorrhoids do appear, keeping the inflammation to a minimum. Simple things like keeping the area clean and wiping gently with non-perfumed, non-colored toilet paper will help the hemorrhoids heal more quickly.
AThere are a variety of herbs for hemorrhoids that work as well, and often better, than over the counter and prescription medications. Some herbs can be applied topically, others work when inserted into the anus and serve to clean the area and reduce symptoms at the same time. Here are a few of your choices:
* Fresh pulp aloe vera gel applied to anus takes away pain much like aspirin.
* Bayberry, goldenseal root, myrrh, white oak as salves are similar to many over the counter, conventional hemorrhoid treatments.
* Comfrey root made into a paste and put in a poultice is a good way to heal bleeding caused by hemorrhoids.
* Elderberry poultice or mullein poultice held to the anal area helps reduce swelling and inflammation.
* Yarrow boiled into a tea and applied with a cotton ball several times a day is another anti-inflammatory agent.
* Witch hazel applied with a cotton ball a few times a day acts as astringent.
* Buckthorn bark, collinsonia root, parsley, red grape vine leaves, stone root are best taken orally in capsule or tea form, and reduce pain and inflammation.
* Peeled cloves of garlic and small cone shaped pieces of potato used as a suppository a few times a week are also common home cures for hemorrhoids.
* Similarly, cayenne and garlic enemas work well to ease symptoms.
Prevention goes a long way when it comes to hemorrhoids and once you've gotten rid of the initial onset, keep them from coming back by changing your diet. Take 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily, drink plenty of liquids, and foods like alfalfa sprouts, blackstrap molasses, dark green leafy vegetables as well as foods rich in dietary fiber like beets, Brazil nuts, psyllium seed, green beans, carrots, apples, and broccoli.
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