As one kind of pharmaceutical raw materials, the mechanism of action of capsaicin analgesic is extract the active ingredients from the ripe fruit in pepper, mainly used for analgesic, anti-itch, the equivalent of the analgesic strength is similar with morphine, lasting than morphine action.
Pain and itching as many diseases’ symptoms, severe plagued mankind. Clinical use of analgesics mainly the non-steroidal class (such as aspirin, indomethacin, etc.), opiates (morphine, pethidine, etc.). Peppers contain a lot of vitamin C and the treatment of arthritis, anti-cold, lowering blood pressure, treat headaches.
Researches by capsaicin manufacturer show that capsaicin can effectively be used to treat the pain and itching, although the feeling of pain and itching is different, but there are common neural pathways are passed by substance P, P substances can induce the release of histamine, bradykinin, causing skin morbid itching. If you use the depletion of substance P or blocking the pass drug substance P, can achieve the purpose of the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-itch. The capsaicin can be effectively depleted conductive substance P on the nerve fibers, blocking the transfer of substance P, the analgesic action is more effective than aspirin, morphine and other chemical drugs having efficacy, and no addiction.
The spicy promote gastric secretion, increase appetite. Topical use have a stimulating effect on the skin, can cure rheumatism, lumbar pain. The Oral applicable in dyspepsia and indigestion, stomach inflatable, cold stomach pain. Outside use for frostbite, joint pain, hair loss. Of gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute gastritis, tuberculosis hemoptysis tendency hemorrhoids patients hanged. The scientists' latest research shows that eating spicy food, chili spices can inhibit the breeding of harmful bacteria in food to prevent food spoilage in hot climates. When the intake of spicy food, the body temperature rose sharply, higher temperatures can inhibit the propagation of harmful bacteria in food or kill harmful bacteria, it is similar with the high-temperature sterilization.
Chili is rich in nutrients, especially high content of vitamin C, first in vegetables. Pepper with important medicinal value. The dinner is not fragrant, reduce appetite, put some pepper in the food can improve appetite, increased appetite. Alone with a little pepper decoction taken orally, can cure catch cold cause poor appetite, abdominal distension and abdominal pain. Can cure cold drink with chili and ginger soup; particularly suitable for both dyspepsia patients. Why pepper good for stomach and digestion? That it contains an ingredient called capsaicin, oral and gastrointestinal irritation, they are able to enhance gastric peristalsis, promote secretion of digestive juice, appetite improved, and can inhibit the intestinal abnormal fermentation, exclude the accumulation of gas in the digestive tract. Proper eating chili, damp abode, is also good for preventing rheumatism and frostbite.
Although pepper rich in nutritious and with important medicinal value, but excessive consumption is harmful to human health. Because too much capsaicin is keen to stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, make it high degree of congestion and accelerate the peristalsis, causing stomach pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea and make anal burning sting-induced gastrointestinal diseases, promote bleeding hemorrhoids. Therefore, where the patients suffering from esophagitis, gastroenteritis, stomach ulcers and hemorrhoids, should eat less or not eat chili. Due to the chili taste is hot and fire, so the fire eyes, toothache, sore throat, hemoptysis, furuncle fiery illness, or the hypertension, TB, should be eating carefully.
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