The Eyeglass Hearing Aid
There are several different hearing aid styles on the market that are made to suit just about everyone's preferences. The eyeglass hearing aid is one example of the technological advances that continue to surface.
There are several different hearing aid styles on the market that are made to suit just about everyone's preferences. However,

most of the well-known types are strictly made to fit some part of the ear. There is now a device that helps people to hear better, that is actually made to resemble eyeglasses. These are most likely used by those who want to mask their issues, be seen as more stylish or just want to try something different and new. Whatever the case may be, this recently created invention is just another example of how technology advances as the years pass on.
This particular hearing aid was launched back in 2006. Several scientists from Delft University of Technology, located in The Netherlands, are responsible for its creation. This device, known as Varibel, has small microphones on each side of the glasses, which allows for sound amplification. These glasses are advantageous in many different ways.
First of all, it helps to block out most unnecessary sounds. That is because the sound is basically picked up from the direction the person is looking. So, instead of becoming distracted by things that are of no real interest to them, users can actually control what they hear to a certain degree. This is all possible because the device works to amplify sounds that come from in front of the user.
This feature also makes it easier for people to concentrate on every day conversations. Imagine talking to someone during a lunch date and becoming distracted by the sounds of the people sitting at the tables on both sides of you. There's no way you can give them the proper attention with these kinds of distractions. This type of issue could also cause confusion and aggravation. By having a device that can prevent these kinds of circumstances, people with hearing issues have a great advantage.
This hearing aid is also seen as being more aesthetically appealing, to some. Some people don't like having something noticeably sitting behind or inside their ear. They'd much rather be able to have something that looks more natural. That is where this type of apparatus comes in. Although there is a more traditional option that allows the device to be hidden, there are some people who may prefer not to have something inside their ear canal.
The eyeglass hearing aid is a new and improved type of device that shows how much technology changes as time goes on. Think about it. At one time a hearing aid was very similar to a small hand-held trumpet. Nowadays people don't have to hold them at all. They can even be virtually unnoticeable, such as the one connected to the eyeglasses.