The Face Lift - Procedure Overview
Brief overview of the face lift. What is it, how is it performed, and what kinds are offered.
The face lift,

known medically as a rhytidectomy, which basically means the removal of wrinkles through surgery, is one of the more popular types of cosmetic surgery. Many times the face lift includes extra skin of the face being removed, tightening the tissues beneath, then putting the facial and neck skin back. The most common gets rid of the loose skin on the neck and cheeks. Most rhytidectomy patients desire to take away the natural effects of aging.
No matter where you are getting your face lift, the process is pretty much the same. The most common type includes an incision on the side portion of the face, right in front of the ear which extends into the hairline. This incision usually extends under the ear, then behind the ear, to the back of the neck. The skin is then removed from the underlying tissues. Then the skin can be tightened with stitches, sometimes, but not always, some of the extra tissue is taken out from the tissues underneath, depending on the preferences and experience of the surgeon who is performing that particular type of surgery. At this time, the skin can then be refitted over the face and neck and closed with staples and stitches. Most of the incisions made through the face lift process cannot be seen after the process is complete, but sometimes hair loss in men has been known to occur on rare occasions.
Post surgery complications that can occur include bleeding, which means that the patient must return to the operating room, and nerve damage to the nose and face. Complications can be more severe in patients who smoke or have high blood pressure and/or diabetes.
Sometimes men have a harder time with their natural appearances post surgery because of their natural ability to grow facial hair. Obvious signs of a person having a face lift is an abnormal earlobe. Sometimes an appearance of being “windswept” can occur if skin is pulled too tight, or if one has aged and the face has changed naturally.
There are many different kinds of face lifts available and most of these are available anywhere The most popular is what is referred to as the mini face lift. This is the kind that can be done over a “weekend” with no recovery time and only local anesthesia. Some of these mini face lifts are considered to be only certain areas of the face, such as eye lid lifts, chin or nose re-shaping and Botox injections, as well as many others.
Most cosmetic surgeons will offer financing because these types of optional procedures do not come cheaply. With the many options available, alternative procedures can be done on a smaller budget. Prices for traditional face lifts can start at around $4,000 and can go as high as $15,000, depending on what procedure and how many different procedures you want done.