Losing weight is not easy, but very simple. It just takes a lot of hard work and discipline. This article discusses how to lose weight the right way and it might be something you don’t want to hear yet again. Eat right and exercise.
You are going to have to do cardiovascular exercises 5-7 times a week, for roughly 30-45 minutes. That stinks, I know, but you need to do it to burn fat. You also need to do weight training to develop muscle and speed up your metabolism. You need to strength train 2-3 times a week and push yourself. You have to work at an intensity that is going to develop muscle. If you don’t, it is essentially a waste of your time. People always tell me what they do for exercise. When I correct some of their routine, they always say, “Well, something is better than nothing right.” Wrong! If you are going to dedicate the time to exercise, do it right. Otherwise it is no better than sitting in front of your television watching a Jennifer Lopez video. I told you that you weren’t going to like what I was going to write.
Now, what to eat? This isn’t rocket science. Ignore all those fad diets out there. Try this. Get rid of all the crap in your cupboards and don’t pretend you don’t know what it is. Cookies, chips, ice cream, crackers. I don’t care if it says low fat, low calorie, whatever, pitch it. Replace it with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and whole wheat items (bread, pasta, etc.). No one ever said they gained weight by eating a bag of baby carrots for a late night snack. Eat 4 to 5 times throughout the day. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner plus healthy snacks in between. This will keep your metabolism up plus give you healthier choices.
If you do all of this, you will lose weight. If you think you are eating healthy and exercising properly, but you haven’t lost weight, then you are DEAD WRONG! It takes some knowledge and discipline, but it will work. You might just have read some misinformation. Follow these guidelines and lose weight. It will take time, it could be rough at times, but it will happen. The transformation you will see will definitely make it all worthwhile.
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