Darkness ... you on all sides. ... it just feels like you’re totally alone in the world. Many belief systems say that to find ... and peace you need to go within yourself and speak t
Darkness surrounds you on all sides. Sometimes it just feels like you’re totally alone in the world. Many belief systems say that to find happiness and peace you need to go within yourself and speak to a higher power, asking for help. Some believe that all things in life are reflections of your self, part of a whole singular universal life force. Well if this is the case, it means that all objects are just parts of the self to be explored. This brings us to the Internet. Here is a tool, an external aspect of you that can help us to find a little light when all seems hopeless.
Do you ever feel like you just can’t figure out life, like there’s no one who understands how you see things? Praying to the Great Spirit is probably your best bet, but if you believe the higher power lives in all things, that little box in your room with the wire that connects to masses of human society could be an option for regaining lost hope. The Internet could just give you the injection of spirit you’ve been looking for.
The Web is full of knowledge and information on a multitude of life’s subjects, with opinions that cover both sides of the coin and in between. Look up any subject and your questions may be answered. A lot of happy and intelligent souls are sharing their ideas and opinions with the rest of us. I doubt there is a single topic that hasn’t been discussed by someone.
You might even want to personally communicate with some of these people. People who think differently than the people in your local area or maybe you don’t have anyone to talk to where you are. They could even become new friends. Blogs are on-line journals where you can comment and have direct discussions with the writers. You can join ‘communities’ that are interested in exactly the same things as you. Let me tell you, you’re not alone in the world. There are others just like you out there no matter how different, weird, or individual you think you are.
Email, web cams, chat rooms all exist to help you connect with other people, to add your perspective on the world. The more voices we can hear, the more shared experiences, the stronger humanity will become as a united force. This will result in much less people feeling like they are alone and have no one to share their life with.
Hope lives deep down inside us all. Peace and love are the true driving forces behind our actions. Let other people, and other forces of the higher self help you when you feel like all is lost. Life is a great adventure and we can’t forget that. We’re all here to help each other out. Someone could be waiting for your connection right now.
Knowledge From the People, For the People
I’ve heard about it a lot but until today I had never checked it out, Wikipedia the free on-line encyclopedia. (http://en.wikipedia.org) Now this is a pretty cool invention, let me tell you. This is an encyclopedia made by the masses for the masses, and anyone (even you) can add or edit pages. This means that if you’ve got a piece of knowledge that you think is worth knowing, after checking that it is not out there already you can add to this huge body of knowledge that is growing everyday. There are over half a million articles in English alone, but there are also articles from many other different languages, some with over 100,000. In the old days we had to spend a lot of money to buy encyclopedias. They took up a lot of space and were produced by private corporations hoping to make a monetary gain. Now we can write the book and read it for free!Prophetic Nerds
I am an Internet creative writer and journalist and yet knowledge of the technical side of computers still eludes me. As I work with tech-heads I've always had a feeling that they were a different breed of people, with their strange language of numbers and abbreviated terminology. I've also had the egotistical belief that because they are always sitting at their computers, that somehow they were missing out on life, as opposed to people like me who try to spend as much time in fresh air as possible. Well, I had a wake up call today when I asked a few of my colleagues about the changing world of communication, television, film, and advertising that has begun to evolve at an alarming rate since the advent of the Internet.Limiting Perceptions and Broadening Horizons
A balance of "tunnel vision" and broad perspective are needed for human society to flourish.