The Key Cause of Coughing is Discovered
Clinical experience and numerous medical trials have revealed that breathing training eliminates symptoms in asthmatics. Cough is the most prominent symptom in asthma. Hence, breathing abnormalities are responsible for the urge-to-cough reflex. This article explains the mechanism of coughing and its only cause: chronic hyperventilation.
How should we breathe at rest? Vast numbers of modern people promote a fantasy that carbon dioxide is a waste and poisonous chemical. They also assume that heavy basal breathing pattern (or chronic hyperventilation that is breathing more and/or faster than the normal breathing) increases concentration of O2 in the body. However,

thousands of medical research articles have proven that hyperventilation REDUCES tissue O2 level. Furthermore, CO2 or carbon dioxide executes countless fundamental functions in the human organism, which include the following: control of respiration, sleep regulation, weight monitoring, bronchodilation (dilation of airways), regulation of heart rate, regulation of stomach pH, blood pressure maintenance, regulation of blood pH, normal immunity, stability of the nerve cells, repair of alveoli in lungs and many other essential effects.How coughing damages your airways, lungs and healthDuring normal breathing while resting the air circulates though the airways at a speed of around 9 km/h. When you cough, the air rushes out through the mouth at over 120 km/h. Coughing through the mouth creates a large enough air pressure gradient to rupture alveoli. Coughing is particularly dangerous for people with cystic fibrosis and other pulmonary health problems with existing lungs damage. During bouts of chronic coughing, you respiratory frequency is over 25 exhalations in 1 minute instead of normal 10-12. Your tidal volume for one cough is around 1 liter of air instead of 500-600 ml. Have some math to see that your minute ventilation is much more than the tiny medical norm (only 6 L/min). Bouts of coughing cause damage and rupture of tiny and fragile alveoli due to sudden change in air pressure; constriction of airways due to hypocapnia (since CO2 is a powerful bronchodilator); irritation of the lining of constricted and inflamed airways due to excessive mechanical friction with air flow; cell hypoxia in the whole body; cell hypoxia; possible production of too much mucus; irritable state of cough receptors in the tracheobronchial tree and larynx due to hypocapnia (low CO2) and many other effects caused by hyperventilation.How to check the content of oxygen in the body tissues using a breath-holding testImmediately after your usual or natural exhale, pinch both nostrils and measure your anxiety-free breath holding time. Observe that your breath pattern immediately after the test must always be identical to your breathing pattern prior to the tryout: no discomfort whatsoever immediately after the test. That examination indicates a couple of parameters at the same time. Firstly, the result measures content of oxygen in the cells. Next, it signifies how large and deep the personal breathing pattern is.Provided that the basal breath pattern is approximately normal, that person must be capable to maintain the breath hold for around 38-42 sec. If the person has about 20 sec only, the individual breathes around twice the scientific norm (and that is six L of air in a single minute). In the sick persons, their result is much less: commonly approximately fifteen seconds or less as a consequence of hyperventilation.Permanent alternative medical solution to chronic problem with coughIf your involuntary respiration pattern is so slow-moving that your O2 content in the body cells is above 25 s, you will not have problems with prolonged coughing. You should slow down your excessive breathing in order to accomplish this goal. Respiratory retraining practice involves constant control of breath including: - physical exercise (at least 2 hours every day with only nasal breathing) - constant nose breathing (hence, it is necessary then to seal your mouth with a surgical tape, if your mouth is usually dry in the morning and learn how to cough only through the nose)- avoidance of sleeping on your back (we breathe almost twice more air, when we sleep on our backs at night) - and numerous other lifestyle-related factors so that your unconscious breathing pattern is restored back to our medical norm. Cause of Cough: Review of medical research studies about the physiological mechanism that makes coughing chronic or persistent. Get Rid of Cough: The main Buteyko breathing exercise that is used during bouts of coughing to stop them faster and reduce the damage caused by coughing to airways, lungs, and all other body cells