The Mesenchymal Stem Cells Play An Important Role Within An Organism

Jan 12


Hemangi Patil

Hemangi Patil

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The mesenchymal stem cells play an important role within an organism for suppression of immune cells activation, increase the number of newer cells, reduce cell death or cell damage in the body


Sinceadult stem cells were first discovered around 20 years ago,The Mesenchymal Stem Cells Play An Important Role Within An Organism Articles they have been amajor research subject. Adult stem cells are now being used by scientists inthe areas of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, to replace bodytissue that has been damaged, after it has been injured. One application thatthese stem cells have been successfully tested for is in treating Crohn'sDisease in patients that are dealing with this disease as their age advances.Moreover, applying Mesenchymal Stem Cells directly to the site of theinflammation can relieve the pain that the patient is facing.

Mesenchymal stem cells are primarily found in the bone marrow in the form of circulatingstellate cells. These cells secrete an abundance of proteins (osteoproteins)which aid in the maintenance of the bone marrow. The most abundant proteinfound in Mesenchymal Stem Cells is the Sox; this protein is necessary in orderfor the Dancer's cancer cells to survive. Other important proteins produced byMesenchymal Stem Cells include fibrin and a-tubulin, which help maintain the structureof the skeletal system.