The Newest Ways To Maintain Your Health In 2011
As the year 2011 gets underway, there are several trends in health care will become more widely used in the healthcare industry. The technology will be used more than ever in 2011 with an increase in electronic records management, computer monitoring and communication between health practitioners and their patients. The trend line ordering prescription drugs will also continue.
As the year 2011 gets underway,

there are several trends in health care will become more widely used in the healthcare industry. The technology will be used more than ever in 2011 with an increase in electronic records management, computer monitoring and communication between health practitioners and their patients. The trend line ordering prescription drugs will also continue.
Health Surveillance 1.Connected
Connected health monitoring means using a computer connected service to communicate with someone who has health issues. One of the most widely known areas of connected monitoring is that of a senior alarm. These devices allow a senior at home to wear a necklace that has a push button that will contact an answering service. In turn, the answering service can call a rescue squad if needed.
Another way that health will be monitored through technology is a health care video. In the past, a doctor had to fax patient information to another doctor for a second opinion. With video equipment specialist doctor, patient, doctor and specialist can confer together at the same time.
2. Mobile health units
Just as mobile libraries bring books to patrons in specified places, there will be an increase in the number of mobile medical units used in the next year. A mobile medical unit is like a medical office on wheels. Some have the technology to pre-screen people for diabetes, hardening of the arteries, the potential risks stroke, hearing loss, speech problems, vision problems, bone density and other preventive health measures.
mobile medical units are crucial for those living in remote and rural areas where there is little in terms of preventive health care. The mobile units also offer discount for patients who have low incomes. With the cost of health care to a record high, the healthcare sector is trying to be proactive, preventing the occurrence of serious diseases.
3. Ordering Medication Online
More and more pharmaceutical companies are selling prescription drugs online as a convenience for patients. Ordering drugs online can be a good service for people with limited mobility and needs medicine delivered right to their door. It can also be faster to re-fill a prescription through a computer that already exist rather than running out in the local pharmacy.
The general trend in the health sector will be one of trust in technology as a form of communication and better record keeping. Hospitals, laboratories and offices will spend more time trying to eliminate paper documents to make health care more efficient.