The War for the Pharma Industry's Dollars!

Sep 1


Nick Webb

Nick Webb

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There’s another war going on today. A war that may ... ... on the folks in the United States! I’mjust a small guy, sat in the middle looking to see ... go and trying to figure o


There’s another war going on today. A war that may have serious consequences on the folks in the United States! I’m just a small guy,The War for the Pharma Industry's Dollars! Articles sat in the middle looking to see how things go and trying to figure out who will win. What war am I talking about, I hear you say. I’m talking about the latest war, or battle for want of another word, going on between the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry and pharmacies in Canada. As I dug deeper into this story I realised several things. I learnt that U.S. consumers pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, often as much as double the price that Canadians actually pay. I learnt that the U.S. pharmaceutical industry has annual gross sales for prescription drugs that amount to just over $159.8 billion! Yes, that’s not a typo. It seems that the FDA is taking sides with the U.S. industry, inasmuch, they say that import drugs may not be packaged and stored under appropriate conditions. Moreover, that there is no guarantee that the drugs have been produced under current good manufacturing practices. But more importantly, the FDA released a statement saying that: “When consumers take such unsafe and inappropriate medications, they face risks of dangerous drug interactions and other serious health consequences.” At the moment of writing, a U.S. committee is trying to determine whether Canadian drugs are safe. It also doesn’t hold back when it says that the FDA is obviously taking sides with the U.S. pharma industry. From my line of business I have dealings everyday with people suffering from heart disease, high cholesterol levels,hypertension, diabetes, and people who are overweight or obese, and others who try to do their best to get a grip on their lives and start taking control. These people can actually be saving hundreds of dollars on their monthly drug bill. In fact, many are already purchasing their supply of medications directly on the internet from Canadian online pharmacies. Are they doing the wrong thing? Isn’t this going against the American spirit? But should it really be so expensive to live our lives as best as possible when medications are needed? I recently heard about one lady who uses a discount drug service that connects her to a Canadian pharmacy where she buys her medicine and saves $300 (US) a month! “I’m a senior citizen and every dollar counts” she told CBS news We’re all interested in our health and how to improve it when needed. We also want quality of life and longevity. Well, like it or not, in this area of our lives we’ve become more and more dependant on the pharmaceutical industry. But does this mean that they should be allowed to charge the prices they want? It has been estimated that over 1 million Americans are currently using this cross-border method, either in the virtual world of internet or just getting in their cars and driving across the border. The number is increasing every day. This increase has prompted much debate and retaliation. One major drug company has now stopped supplying its products to Canadian mail-order pharmacies that sell to Americans. Others will almost certainly follow in this practice, too. Apart from the moral, and there are morals from both sides of the story, is this practice legal? Well, in 1987 a U.S. law was written, long before the boom of internet pharmacies, making it illegal to import prescription drugs, whether made in the U.S. or not. Both the FDA and the U.S. Customs have never really practiced this law and apparently nobody has ever been prosecuted. So, what will happen next? Do you have an opinion on this battle between the giants? If so, we’d like to hear from you. We are currently carrying out a time-sensitive survey and we hope to get the opinions of at least 50,000 people. We will send the results of our survey to the U.S. House of Representative, the FDA, as well as the Canadian International Pharmacy Association. Do you think that the opinion of 50,000 people would make people listen? Who knows, but one thing is for sure U.S. politicians need to hear the voice of the people that vote them. Why do I say that this is a time-sensitive survey? Simple … we have to act before a final decision is made. We will close all entries on September 10. Our intentions are to be as partial as possible, as we want to hear your opinion and not just give you ours. In the survey you will simply be asked whether you agree to Canadian imports, do not agree to Canadian imports, you don’t know, or, you don’t care. The results will be calculated, packaged and sent off to all the above government bodies. Let your opinion be heard today, whatever it may be, and we will try to make it count. Thank you.

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