Things to Avoid If You Get a Breast Augmentation
If you learn all you need to know about getting a breast augmentation, you can have the best experience possible. While you will certainly enjoy your new body, maintain regular check ups in order to ensure you stay infection free after your operation.
If you get a breast augmentation,
there are some things you need to be aware of. In order to preserve the work that your surgeon has done, you will need to take extra care of your new breasts. Your body was previously accustomed to supporting a smaller and lighter pair of breasts. When you get a breast augmentation, not only do you have to get used to carrying around a heavier load, your back muscles also have to adjust and compensate to provide you with a new center of gravity.
Bras will become your new best friend. They come in a wide variety of styles, sizes and colors. There are many bras for any occasion or outfit that you can think of. You may be the type who loves to go shopping, so you will jump at the opportunity to go bra shopping. You need to make sure that you purchase bras that are the correct size and provide you with good support.
You don't want to get in the habit of wearing clothing that is too tight and restrictive around your chest. You also want to avoid squeezing and flattening your new breasts after your breast augmentation. This may cause your implants to shift, rip or leak. Even though leaking implants are not as hazardous as they used to be, it is important that if you notice that your breasts start to appear uneven or a bit lopsided, you go and see your plastic surgeon. They will check your implants to make sure that everything is in good condition.
Even after the surgeon has given you the green flag to resume your activities and wear regular clothing, you will need to have periodic checkups. These checkups are done to check the status of your implants and make sure they have not degraded in any way.
Women who have breast augmentations are usually encouraged to have the procedure redone every 5 to 10 years. Since implants are heavier than normal breast tissue, sagging will occur over time. The sagging that comes from breast enhancements is more noticeable than that of normal breast tissue.
If you ever have any questions about your breast augmentation, you should make sure that you keep in touch with your plastic surgeon. They can provide you with the answers you seek, while giving you the help you may need. If you ever notice that one side of your chest suddenly deflates or you start to feel hot, flushed or ill, you need to go to your nearest emergency room immediately. Sometimes a complication arises known as sepsis. Sepsis is occurs when there is infection throughout the whole body, and you will need immediate medical attention if you hope to survive. By paying close attention to your body, you will be able to get the most out of your new chest.