Things to Consider Before Undergoing Breast Augmentation
Any elective procedure requires careful consideration the risks, benefits, and cost. Breast augmentation is now the most common plastic surgery, and accordingly a lot of women are considering it.
There are no decisions that involve changing something fundamental about your body whether surgically or through other means that should be taken lightly. A cosmetic procedure is not something you can or should do on a whim. It is often reported that breast augmentation has surpassed rhinoplasty as the most performed cosmetic procedure in the world,

but there are several things you should consider before moving forward.
First of all, ask yourself the simple question. Why do you want to have breast augmentation? Many women feel uncomfortable with the size or the look of their breasts. Are you unhappy with yours? It's worth taking the time to get specific. What is it about your breasts in particular that you want to change? You should probably understand that there are certain aspects of the look of your bosom that will not be affected by breast augmentation and that by trying to achieve the impossible you are setting yourself up for failure, disappointment and, perhaps, a decline in self-confidence.
If the result of your procedure is the polar opposite of what you set out to achieve, you might have been better off leaving well alone.
A common answer to the question is: Larger breasts will make me feel more attractive, more womanly and more confident. If this is what you are looking for then talk with your cosmetic surgeon about sizing and the types of procedures that can offer you a larger bust that is still in proportion to the rest of your figure.
There are also women who have seen a reduction in the volume and firmness of their breasts after childbirth and breastfeeding. Breast augmentation may be used in this instance to add volume and return the woman to a shape she is more familiar and comfortable with. In this case, size is less important than positioning so you should talk with your cosmetic surgeon about skin elasticity and the likelihood of maintaining the shape you regain after your breast augmentation procedure.
You should also consider the cost of your procedure before you decide and the experience of your provider. There are plenty of options for you, but it's always worth asking for recommendations when you first meet a prospective provider. Talk to other people who have undergone the same procedure with the same clinic. Find out about payment plans and aftercare and make sure that you have the best information before you commit to a course of treatment that may change your life.