Three Breast Augmentation Revisions
Successful breast augmentation can be a joyous moment in a woman's life, especially if she's been longing for the benefits of size, shape and perkiness for a long time. But when a physician makes huge, costly mistakes during surgery, it can impact her self-esteem and trust. This is why the process of breast augmentation revision won't be going anywhere any time soon.
A woman's breasts can often times be her crowning glory. She has,
more than likely, spent the majority of her youth desiring larger, fuller breasts and sees breast augmentation as a means to achieving the size that she admires. Then again, there are women who grew up happy with their breasts or never really thought about their size. However, births, breast-feeding and weight loss occurred over time, and their breasts may have lost volume, height and attractive shape. All of these women, regardless of why they want breast augmentation, believe that it can offer them the body confidence that they need. They then base the future of their breasts on a local surgeon, either trusting insufficient recommendations or mistrusting their own intuition.
Although cosmetic procedures are improving each year, there are still thousands of cases of revisions, especially for a woman's breasts. There are plenty of doctors out there performing cosmetic procedures, but they aren't certified, board regulated and possess no standards or respect for the artistry of aesthetic alterations to the human body. This is how details are overlooked, and how the adjustments that a reputable professional would make for the best results go unnoticed. Because the physicians that are botching these women's breasts are doing so out of ignorance rather than malice, the correction of these procedures is left up to a secondary and often times a tertiary breast augmentation specialist. These specialists correct all types of problems, including uneven implant height, misaligned implant placement or areola asymmetry.
There are several common types of breast augmentation revision procedures. The uneven implant height mishap is when the breasts appear to be uneven after surgery. It is quite natural for the natural breasts tissue to be different sizes, but the areola is even to its natural tissue, so when a woman notices drastic differences in the direction and level of either of her areolas, something went wrong during surgery. It is the surgeon's duty to not only place the implant, but to improve the look of the breasts by adjusting the volume of the implant and its position in order to achieve even breasts. The misaligned implant placement, however, occurs when the muscle is moved unevenly, or the implant is not placed in the pocket properly. In this case, the implant will bulge out, the breast can fuse, or a number of issues can arise that are unnecessary to thoughtful breast augmentation.
These mishaps can cause further disruption to a woman's self-esteem. She can develop more body conscience issues and distrust for cosmetic procedures. This is why it is so critical to only receive any and all procedures from a licensed and certified specialist who has many years of successful performance of the procedure you seek, and the only way to heighten one's chances of getting it right the first time around.