Three Steps to an Anti Acne Diet That Will Get Rid of Your Acne

Aug 18


Harley Molina

Harley Molina

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Going on an anti acne diet might just be the only way to get rid of your acne problems. Even though doctors haven't figured out for sure how much your diet actually affects your acne, one thing is certain: there are certain foods that help acne disappear, and there are certain foods that simply irritate the acne. Below are some foods you want to add to your diet, and some you completely want to avoid.

To get the best results from your anti acne diet,Three Steps to an Anti Acne Diet That Will Get Rid of Your Acne Articles make sure you add the following foods to your daily diet:1. Foods rich in Vitamin C: Oranges, plums, papaya, strawberries, pineapple, and broccoli are all excellent options to add to your diet.  If you don't want to eat the fruit whole, cut them up into a vitamin-c-infused fruit salad and eat them at breakfast with a bowl of fiber-rich cereal, as a morning snack, or with other meals.2. Apples: Apples contain vitamins a, b, and c as well as high content in iron and potassium.  Not too many doctors know about this one because they're so worried about prescribing you expensive medicine prescriptions like birth control pills and Accutane.3. Foods rich in sulfur: Eggs are one of the best foods you can eat with acne.  The less you cook them (provided you cook them at least somewhat) the better.  I like to eat mine sunny-side-up as opposed to scrambled; that way, I get full benefit from them.Part of a good anti acne diet is also knowing which foods to avoid:1. Foods with androgenic hormones: It's difficult these days to know which foods do and don't have hormones injected into them.  Their labels don't blare warnings of "Watch out! Hormones", so weeding these out can be difficult.  Foods typically injected with hormones are milk and meat.  Milk has been known to irritate acne, but the protein in meat is good.  When possible, get your meat at a meat market, and not just at the grocery store, where there's a higher likelihood of hormones being injected.  2. It is also said that avoiding sugar during acne is a good thing.  Avoiding sugar in general can be helpful for the body, but it's not much fun.  However, you might want to experiment a few weeks without eating excessive sugars you might normally eat, like candy bars, milkshakes, and other sugar irritants.