Once you have decided that you really want to stop ... can be a real ... Here are some tips to help youbreak the habit ... you begin, decide what you are going to do when youha
Once you have decided that you really want to stop smokingit can be a real challenge. Here are some tips to help youbreak the habit quicker.Before you begin, decide what you are going to do when youhave a craving. Keep a diary for a week or so and learnwhat times and situations tempt you to want to have acigarette. Decide what you are going to do instead ofreaching for a cigarette.Ask your doctor for advice if you have other health problemsor are worried about gaining weight.The day you begin immediately get rid of ashtrays, lightersand all cigarettes.Consider finding yourself a friend, relative or co-workerwho wants to quit too and support each other.If stress is a factor then find an exercise program.Joining a nearby health club will be less expensive than thecigarettes.Your home will smell fresh and clean. You'll spend lesstime, energy and money cleaning your house.You will reduce the risk of fire. As a result yourhomeowner's insurance rates may be reduced.Your food will taste better.Remind yourself of everything nice that you could be buyingfor yourself or your home with the money that you arespending on cigarettes.As a last resort remind yourself of the health benefits.You'll reduce your chances of lung, throat and mouth cancer.Reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease.Stop smoking and the body will begin to repair the damagedone almost immediately.For more information and tips:http://www.apluswriting.net/smoking/stopsmoking.htm
The Remarkable Benefits of Earthworms in Your Garden
Earthworms are not just garden dwellers; they are vital architects of soil health and fertility. Their excrement, known as castings or vermicompost, is a treasure trove of benefits for the soil, enhancing aeration, porosity, structure, drainage, and moisture retention. This article delves into the wonders of earthworm castings and provides practical tips on how to harness their power for a thriving garden.Organic Strategies for Flea Beetle Management
Discover how to tackle flea beetles in your garden using organic methods that safeguard your plants without relying on harsh chemicals. These tiny pests can be more than just an annoyance; they pose a threat to young seedlings and can spread diseases in crops like corn and potatoes. Learn about their lifecycle, habits, and various organic control measures that can help keep them at bay, ensuring a healthy and thriving garden.Reduce Cholesterol With Celery
Eating raw celery is an excellent and healthy way to reducehigh cholesterol blood levels. According to tests byresearchers at the University of Chicago, celery reducescholesterol levels by as much as 7 points with as little as2 stalks a day.