Tips on mystic spray tan preparation
Tanning in the sun had given ways to various methods of artificial tanning. Mystic spray tan is one of those procedures of sunless tanning and it has become popular for superior results in quick time. Some vital preparations can make one’s session even more effective.
Tanning in the sun is no longer an in-thing as people have come to know the detrimental effects of over-exposure to UV rays. A lot of substitute methods made their appearances in the domain of sunless tanning or artificial tanning and mystic spray tan is considered as the best method of them all. This is the newest fad in the line of sunless tanning procedures such as tanning bed,

tanning lotions or gel and preferred by most people for its fast and easy process and more effective outcome. However, the key to a perfect tan is perfect preparation. So, one who is planning to undergo a session of mystic tan should be aware of the essential preparations that needs to be taken prior to the session and also the aftercare.
The first and foremost thing that one needs to do is exfoliate the skin one or two days prior to the appointment. The exfoliant gel is applied on one’s skin by the help of a sponge, washcloth or loofa. While applying this gel, one should put more stress on rougher parts of the body like elbow, knees, and ankles. After the exfoliation, the
mystic spray tan solution can work more effectively with the fresh and new cells of skin and the longevity of the tan also increases as the new cells are not going to be shredded right away after the session. After exfoliating, one should hydrate the skin by applying a moisturizing lotion because moisturized skin help increase the lustre and life of the tan. The ideal timing of applying this lotion is in between the sessions but not right after any session. Exfoliation also ensures the evenness of the tan. Prior to the session of mystic tan one should stay away from waxing and shaving. And you should also not use any body spray, deodorant or make-ups before the session as they may hamper the workings of the tanning solution.
Now that one is aware of what to do before the session of mystic spray tan, let’s have a look at the after-care methods. In order to achieve the desired outcome, one should not go for bath, shower or be in the rain for at least 4-6 hours. This period of time is crucial for the tanning solution to set in and if one goes to have shower before that, streaky lines, patches and blotches are the most common results. After 6 hours, when one is going to take the first shower, he or she might notice some discolouring of the bronzer tint of the tanning solution with the water. This is a very natural sight and it has nothing to do with the actual proceedings of the tanning solution. The effect of one session of mystic spray tan lasts for about a week, however, one can extend the life of the glowing tan by applying some after care products like Mysitc Glo and Mystic Life. During the session, one should keep his or her eyes and hair bare, instead one should wear a goggles and a cap to protect eyes and hair from mystic spray tan solution.