Is it a good idea to begin offering spray tanning treatments in your beauty salon?
If you have a beauty salon, which provides various types of luxury treatments then you could be toying with the idea of setting up a spray tanning device in your salon. If this is the case then it is a good idea to go through some of the major points regarding spray tanning.
That's why employees have compiled a list of the key things that you might like to know about.A spray tanning machine isn't noisy - a compressor means that it's relatively quiet,

reliable and cost effective. As they usually come with an airbrush, a full body tan can take just 10-12 minutes. However, some machines have a power jet compressor and spray gun, which allows 5-minute applications to be completed. Moreover extractor fans are used too because overspray can be an issue for most professional spray tan technicians. The advantage of these extractors is that they reduce the amount of tanning solution being applied to the skin, which can cause streaks and a lack of colour uniformity.Spray tanning booths are not for everyone and in fact whether someone opts to have a go should depend on their complexion. This is because spray tanning formula works by enhancing natural skin tones and so works much better on people with darker skin. For example, a person with a Mediterranean complexion may certainly benefit from trying a spray tanning booth facility. On the other hand someone with fair skin may feel that the bronze effect seems less natural than it would on other people and therefore not be the right choice.You essentially need to know about spray tan fluid and which is the best one to use. Firstly, the actual spray tan solution is primarily a liquid. It is stored in a very small tank that is attached to the application wand and it is directly fed into the air nozzle. The liquid then forms into a mist and leaves the nozzle in an even consistency. It might be hard to believe but the kind of fluid you use can really affect the kind of results you get. This is due to the fact that lower quality spray tanning solutions can clog the nozzle and result in an uneven tan on people's skin.There are a lot of different spray tan products on the market, although not all of them are good value. The major issue with some of these solutions is that they can congeal, which results in the spray tan nozzle becoming blocked. It is best to think about doing some research on spray tans and visit the suppliers who are most reputable as they will be able to advise you on the best type of spray tanning fluid for your machine. Alternatively, you may want to read the manual of your machine to discover what will be the best type of tanning supplies for you. For more information look through to find spray tan suppliers.It is worthwhile knowing how long you can expect a spray tan to last and the time span needed between the tanning sessions. Buffing and exfoliation from wearing clothes and bathing sheds dead skin cells, which causes natural tans to fade. Most people will have a tan that lasts around a week but on average it can last anywhere from five days to ten days. However, if a person moisturises every day after an application then they will see their tan lasting up to a couple of days longer. But people’s skin holds on to tans differently and their skin will react in its own way to the spray tanning fluid.The ultimate price of the spray tanning can vary depending on where the store is and the specific service that's requested. Making regular bookings for consecutive treatments can also change the prices. A spray tan for one person in xx, for instance can cost in the region of £25-£30, but this does include post tan care items to help clients get the most out of the procedure. Making a saving is possible if a customer books in advance. For example, multi-tan sessions are offered at a reduced rate or can come with an additional session for free. There are also spray tan parties, where the host gets a free spray tan.People can prepare for a spray tan in a couple of different ways. Firstly you should scrub off any dead skin cells with a thorough exfoliation. The reason for this is for the spray tan to work best it is important to avoid showering or exfoliating for up to twelve hours after a tan. Prior to application and in order to ensure an even tan the person should shave or wax the day before their treatment. Lastly, people should arrive at the tanning salon wearing dark clothes as following the application is it possible that some of the tan may rub off onto clothes.The main component in a spray on tan is the chemical dihydroxyacetone (DHA) and although it is non-toxic it can be an allergen to some people. As a result of this people who haven't experienced spray tanning before should really undergo a patch test before they use the tanning booth for the first time. Although this type of allergy is extremely rare, it's always worth having the test done before you decide to get into a tanning booth! After all it is better to be safe than sorry especially as the DHA substance will be put onto your whole body so an allergic reaction will be quite uncomfortable and not at all localised.After reading this list you should have a clearer idea of what a spray on tan usually involves and if it is perfect for your salon.