Toothbrush Choosing Guide
Most people think that the electric toothbrush cleans teeth better than any manual toothbrush, but this is not the case.
Today toothbrushes are differ by several parameters. First,

it is rigid. Distinguish brush hard (hard), medium hardness (medium) and soft (soft). Some companies make very soft brush (extra soft). Hard brushes can be used for those who believe they have a strong gums, those brushes provide most powerful massage of the gums. As for the cleaning power of those toothbrushes it depends on the hardness of the materials used by particular manufacturer. Soft and very soft toothbrush should be preferred by people who have frequent bleeding gums, in order not to injure already injured gums. Medium hard brush are created specially for those people who have doubt on what to choose.
Use a toothbrush of medium hardness (assuming that you have healthy teeth and gums). If during brushing your gums bleeding, then use softer toothbrush. Soft are less traumatic for the affected gums and not damaging gums during cleaning.
Here some tips to consider:
1. Toothbrush should have rubber inserts on the handle, so when cleaning it is stays in hands. 2. The shape of the handle does not play any significant role (as claimed by manufacturers). The choice of shape is yours. 3. Electric toothbrush should be chosen if for some health reason you can not use the manual. 4. The working part of the toothbrush should cover 2-2.5 tooth during brushing. So, working part should be small, for easy cleaning of the hard surfaces. 5. The toothbrush should be changed every 3 months. Some toothbrushes have special indicators that can remind you about change. 6. Person should not brush teeth with a toothbrush after the 5-6 months of use. 7. Brush quickly and easily contaminated. Therefore, try to keep it perfectly clean. After you brush your teeth, wash it with warm water. Do not forget to clean it from toothpaste, food pieces. 8. Do not use a toothbrush which you used during disease.(flu, sore throat, mouth infection). It should be changed, as it is may have an infection that can not be removed completely. When choosing a toothbrush remember there more other things to consider. There are many aspects to consider when choosing. Ask dentist when choosing the right toothbrush. Do not be shy at the regular visit to ask your dentist about a suitable toothbrush.