It's no myth, consuming low carbohydrate foods at the proper times in your diet plan is the number one way to burn off your excess stomach and other problem area fat. Here are 10 low carb foods that you can add to your diet plan.
It's no myth, consuming low carbohydrate foods at the proper times in your diet plan is the number one way to burn off your excess stomach and other problem area fat.
And please take special note that I said "proper times"!
Far too many people are under the impression that a low carbohydrate diet is optimal for losing fat, but this couldn't be further from the truth.
In fact, your body needs good carbs and will not function correctly without them.
The real key to losing your stubborn belly fat is not in the elimination of carbs, it's simply NOT consuming carbs at the WRONG times.
And just when are the wrong times...
The last two meals of the day (And yes, snacks count here!).
For instance, instead of consuming that bowl of ice cream you should be having a salad. Certainly no surprise there!
However, the following is where most people go wrong, especially the "health conscious" crowd...
Just because a food is healthy, doesn't mean that you're going to burn fat eating it. For example, many people who are making a conscious effort to eat healthy make the mistake of consuming things like whole wheat bread, fruit and/or other such "healthy foods" in the P.M hours. The problem with this is that these are high glycemic, high energy foods that your body will not completely burn off when you sleep. Consequently these foods can be stored as fat deposits.
A far better option would be to have a chicken breast or a salad with egg whites. These foods require much more energy to digest and won't be stored as fat in your system while you sleep.
So with all that being said... are 10 low carbohydrate foods that will eliminate your stomach fat. Simply consume them for the last two meals of the day, whether it be dinner or snacks, and you'll begin to notice that midsection shrinking, along with your other problem area fat deposits!
1: Skinless Chicken
2: Skinless Turkey
3: Spinach
4: Broccoli
5: Lean red meat
6: Egg whites
7: Salmon
8: Tuna Fish
9: Whey Protein Shake (Can make an excellent low carb substitute for those who need something simple.)
10: Tomatoes
Now many people will look at a list like this and get overwhelmed, thinking that they have to some how squeeze each of those low carb foods into their diet plan. But the most important thing to remember is just to keep it simple. Choose two or three of these foods and make sure to have them on hand so that when you begin to get hungry in the P.M. hours you can reach for one of them instead of a high carb alternative.
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