Tummy Tuck: Consider the Reasons for this Surgery
Before you opt for a tummy tuck, you should make sure that it is the right surgery for you. Making sure that you are a good candidate requires knowing what to expect from the procedure and recovery period.
If you are tired of having excess skin on your stomach,

perhaps forming an unsightly pouch, you should look into getting a tummy tuck. Most people interested in this procedure have one reason for doing it, and that is to get a flatter stomach. Consider some of the factors that make you a good candidate for this treatment.
The majority of people who get this surgery done are women who are at least in their thirties. Most have had a few children and are disappointed at what pregnancy has done to their body. Even losing the weight after pregnancy does not typically allow you to get your original stomach back, as you may be left with excess flab and skin that create a pouch on your lower abdomen. If this describes your issue, consider fixing it with a tummy tuck.
Perhaps you have never had children, but lost a lot of weight suddenly. You might have a fairly flat stomach, but you probably have excess skin. This often looks wrinkly and not as attractive as you might have hoped. You can get rid of this issue with a tummy tuck, as the skin and flab will be cut away, and what remains will be stretched out until it is flat, and then sewn up.
As long as you understand that this procedure is only meant to eliminate excess flab and leftover skin, you will probably be happy with the result. It is not meant to get rid of a lot of weight, so if you are overweight or obese, this is not the right surgery for you. In general, you should be near your ideal weight, with an abdomen that does not look right on the rest of your slim or average body. Knowing the probable results of the surgery should allow you to have realistic expectations. This means that you will probably be pleased with the final outcome, which should be a flatter stomach.
You will need to be evaluated by a plastic surgeon before getting this procedure done since not everyone is a candidate. The good news is that as long as you know what to expect, and are in good health, you will probably be considered a perfect candidate. Of course, you should also have the strong desire to have a flat abdomen, as this goal will allow you to get through the discomfort of recovery without regret.