Tummy Tuck: Help After Weight Loss
The discovery that skin can lose elasticity and no amount of exercise or dedication to a stringent diet can reverse the effect can be very discouraging, so thoughts may turn to a tummy tuck to assist in achieving the overall desired result.
Whether the weight loss occurs after a pregnancy,
gastric bypass surgery or a change in lifestyle, excess skin can remain if the amount of weight lost was a significant number of pounds. If the person has spent years being overweight and the skin has been stretched for a long period of time, then the only option may be to have the excess tissue surgically removed in order to firm and tone the body. More than a reason of mere vanity, if the skin is a "fold" or "drapes" down the belly, discomfort can be caused by the chafing or rubbing of flesh on flesh, resulting in a rash, burn or sores. These can lead to an infection. Loose skin around the abdomen, hips and back can all be removed and tightened through a procedure known as an extended abdominoplasty, or extended tummy tuck. In this sort of case the belly button may need to be re-centered after the skin is removed and tightened, a scar running from hip to hip will remain, but this should be covered up by underwear or bathing suit bottom.
If the amount of skin to be removed is on a smaller scale, the issue is more about sagging skin than a "fold," then a mini, or formal tummy tuck may be more appropriate for the patient. This procedure is less invasive than the extended version. In either instance, an evaluation of the area of the body in question and the skin tone should be performed by a plastic surgeon with a reputation for being accomplished, skilled and who has a client base of patients satisfied with their post-op results. Being both licensed and Board certified is an absolute necessity, as well as having years of experience performing abdominoplasty surgery. The doctor can advise the patient about the risks involved with any surgical procedure, such as infection and blood clots, as well as the possibility of difficulty healing afterward. But if instructions for how to clean and care for the incision are followed, and the guidelines about limiting exercise, movement and lifting for a few weeks post-surgery are respected, healing should progress without incident.
The cost of a tummy tuck is in the range of $5-9,000.00, with most surgeons including all pre-op and post-op appointments, along with the surgery, within this price. Prescriptions and an abdominal binding or girdle will more than likely be a separate charge. Unless a doctor can show a medical reason for this procedure, insurance will most likely decline covering the cost, in addition to any procedures associated with the surgery afterward.
When so much effort has been devoted toward looking and feeling healthy and strong, but the total result cannot be obtained through diet and exercise, a tummy tuck can be a great option to consider in order to complete the patient's new and improved image.