Two Sides of the Dentures Debate
The need for some form of dental prosthesis such as dentures or implants can cause one of two reactions. Some people feel liberated because of no more painful and disconcerting tooth decay, while others are afraid of what it will mean for their jaw bone health and future procedures down the road.
Your teeth are an important part of your health and your aesthetic self. So when there comes a time that your teeth begin to rot out of your jaw,

you've sustained a significant facial injury or have to have several teeth pulled for one reason or another, dentures are one of several options for tooth-like prosthetic replacement. They are provided in partial or full devices and should be treated with professional follow up care in order to monitor fit, use and your remaining jaw over time. A flesh/gums colored acrylic base holds the teeth-like structures against your lower gums or is placed over your upper palate with the objective of a secure, comfortable fit. Most patients and dentists are of two minds on the subject of dentures. On one hand, some people praise these as the best thing they've ever done. They are excited about how the prosthesis has returned their smile to its youthful alignment and color; they feel proud to smile and chew with them.
On the other hand some people see it as damaging to the jaw bone and that this method of prosthesis is antiquated. The use of full or partial dentures is truly dependent upon the quality level of dentistry that you receive. Frankly there are some patient stories of young men and women being convinced that they should have all of their teeth pulled and use full dentures but when they receive these they won't even fit in their mouths or fit properly. From there they are simply told that they should keep trying or that they will probably have to have more jaw bone removed in order to fit them in. This was an example of poor dentistry service. Some doctors don't recommend using these long term; instead, they recommend dental implants. They are making claims that dentures gradually damage the jaw bone eventually making any prosthesis obsolete; however, both methods have strong benefits for form and function and both methods have their risks. Both methods may require bone grafts donations or from the hip of the patient in order to support the deteriorated or deteriorating jaw.
In summation, professional dental care is important for the health of the teeth, gums, tissue and bone of your oral cavity, but a caring, reputable dentist with extensive specialization in their area of dentistry is critical to successful procedures. Your safety and dental future is dependent upon the dentist's' expertise, techniques, tools and adaptability to your unique mouth structure.