Types Of Stair Glides
Stair glides are used by people who are not able to move around in their two story home. These special chairs are connected to their stairway and will transport them up and down to be able to move around with little to no problems.
As we grow older we begin to understand just how delicate our bodies are becoming and we start to grow drained of feeling old. One of the biggest medical problems that the majority of us will experience is arthritis.
This medical problem can be incapacitating to certain individuals counting on the kind of arthritis they have. One trouble that it can create is mobility. Having a distinct type of arthritis can direct pressure onto your feet and legs and keep you from walking around - even in your own home.
People who own two story homes discover this mobility trouble tricky and hard to contend with. They are not sure exactly what they need to do if they cannot even walk to their bedroom. What most don’t understand is that this trouble can be worked out easily with the aid of a stair glide.
A stair glide is a moveable chair that moves along the side of your staircase. The chair is attached to and runs along a rail that is set up to move the entire length of the stairway. The owner can master the chair’s motions through the function of a joystick that is situated on the chair's arm.
There are two kinds of glides that individuals employ. They are the curved and straight. Straight glides can only be used on staircases that run straight up and down. These are the most low-budget and the simplest to install they can also be transported to different homes.
Curved stair glides can only be utilised on staircases that have curves and bends. They are also the more expensive because they have to be custom fitted to fit the stairway. Because of this they do not have the power to be moved and must stay in the house that it was set up in.
There are some companies that will sell both straight and curved models that will be established with the characteristics that you require to get around in your house. They will also put in the needed equipment into your house.