Understanding Birthing
Birthing (childbirth) is a reproductive process, wherein woman is ready to give birth to a baby but has to go through labour. Birthing begins with con...
Birthing (childbirth) is a reproductive process,

wherein woman is ready to give birth to a baby but has to go through labour. Birthing begins with contractions, which imply that labour is beginning and body has to push the baby out. During labour and delivery, woman is closely monitored. Mostly, women have a baby through normal vaginal delivery, which means the baby comes out of the birth canal without any medical surgery. If there are complications, a caesarean section may be done for childbirth.Methods of Childbirth1. The method of childbirth (birthing technique) depends on the medical conditions and where you choose to have a baby.2. The most common type of childbirth is vaginal delivery. Vaginal delivery is the safest method of birthing, but may need forceps (instruments resembling large spoons) in certain circumstances to help and guide baby through the birth canal.3. Vacuum delivery is quite similar to use of forceps in vaginal delivery. A suction plastic cup is applied on baby's head to pull him out of the birth canal.4. If vaginal delivery is not possible, a caesarean delivery (C-section) is done for birthing. In case baby is not in the usual head-down position, or large to pass through the pelvis or is in a distress, the technique ensures safety of a mother and her baby. In most cases, need for caesarean section is not determined until labour begins. Surgery done on the uterus increases the risk of it rupturing during a future vaginal delivery, therefore, future deliveries are also done by caesarean.The Safe WayAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, 90 to 95 percent of the entire world's births are normal is normal, uncomplicated and low-risk activity for a healthy woman. But, birth in a hospital, also known as institutional delivery, is the safe way of childbirth.However, the factors such as time, patience, strength and endurance also contribute to a safe and healthy childbirth. A woman should remain in the best shape throughout pregnancy term, complying with lifestyle changes needed for a healthy delivery.Labour and Delivery Complications In spite of following pregnancy lifestyle, woman may encounter serious complications during childbirth. Basics of labour and childbirth are same for every expecting mother, but delivery complications may vary in each case. Among common complications of labour and delivery include preterm labour, umbilical cord prolapsed, delay in rupture of membrane, abnormal presentation and umbilical cord compression.