Urgent Care Can Meet Most Of Your Medical Needs
Urgent care facilities have been sprouting up all over the country in the last decade or so. Consider some information explaining their appeal.
There are many reasons to use an urgent care clinic,

such as not having any health insurance or a regular doctor. There is also the convenience factor of being seen immediately for a reasonable fee, saving you from an expensive visit to the emergency room. Learn more about these types of clinics before you go.
Due to the fast growth of the population in this country, many doctors' offices are becoming overwhelmed with patients. As a result, the same day service many of us are used to receiving is fast becoming a thing of the past, which has led to many people turning to urgent care clinics for prompt medical attention. They are usually very convenient to use since they often have extended hours of operation, so you can receive care after your workday is over without losing any time off from work. You can also get travel exams and immunizations, which are quite inexpensive, compared to a physician's office; they can also perform sports physicals and work physicals. If you have health insurance, your visit will probably be totally covered except for a modest co-pay, and if you are without insurance, the cost is still less than a visit to a physician's office.
At the time you present to the office, you will need to fill out some paperwork and then wait for your name to be called. When your turn comes, you will be seen by a medical professional that will obtain your medical history and examine you. In many cases, there are laboratory and x-ray facilities in the same building, which saves time and helps the doctor make a quicker diagnosis. After you receive your treatment recommendations and any necessary prescriptions, you will be instructed to follow up with your regular physician in a week to ten days. Many times, a letter will be sent to your doctor to document the diagnosis and treatment you received, including any prescriptions written, as this is important information that he needs to have in order to treat you to the best of his ability.
It is definitely worth noting that these clinics are not a substitute for your regular physician, and this is especially true if you have any chronic conditions or diseases. The care that you receive in such a facility is usually quite good, but as it is focused on your specific complaint at that time, it is not sufficient to handle any complex diseases you may have. In addition, as they have not been in existence for that many years, there have not been enough studies done to adequately substantiate the quality of care provided. Take the initiative and make sure the one you are planning on using is an accredited facility and that the doctors working there are licensed professionals. You can call the office to find out their names and then use the Internet to verify the information with the medical board in your state.
Using an urgent care clinic for minor illnesses can save you time and money. In many cases, they are all you need; so do not be afraid to try one.