Pyrithionc zinc (also called ZPT) has a strong killing power to fungi and bacteria, can effectively kill the fungus produced by dandruff, play the role of anti-schuppen, in the shampoo industry used for many well-known brands.
Pyrithionc zinc is the fungicide of paints and plastics product, the application is very wide.
It is a kind of white to yellow crystalline powder, with slight characteristic odor, insoluble in water. Pyrithionc zinc form insoluble precipitates with cationic and non-ionic surfactants, unstable to light and oxidizer, in higher temperature is unstable to acid and alkali. It is not compatible with EDTA, non-ionic surface active agent can make it partially deactivated. In the presence of heavy metals occurs chelated or anti-chelation, and these chelates insoluble in water.
Pyrithionc zinc is a chelate, which is a very effective anti-fungal and anti-bacterial compound. Its anti-dandruff active was accidentally discovered in the mid-1960s while researchers explore rosea ringworm infection prevention agents. Recent experimental results further prove the powerful role of pyrithionc zinc treating dandruff, but its mechanism of action also have some different views.
The maximum allowable concentration mass fraction of pyrithionc zinc in cosmetics material is 0.5%, only used for the after washed products. The general using concentration is 250 ~ 1000mg/kg (active), can be used in gels, creams, lotions, talcum powder and anti-dandruff shampoos, also can be used in deodorants and disinfectants.
Pyrithionc zinc is a widely used anti-dandruff antipruritic active agent, commercially available ZPT containing mass fraction of 48% dispersion, which contains a very dense solid particles, while using should be add suspending agents. In order to obtain a stable suspension dispersion system, it needs to add with high yield value water-soluble polymers and inorganic thickeners. ZPT only can be used in milky shampoo. In recent years, the new development versatile suspension - di (hydrogenated) tallow phthalic acid amide group, it can be used as emulsifiers, suspending agents, can stabilize containing dimethyl siloxane and ZPT anti-dandruff shampoo. EDTA is not compatible with ZPT, some non-ionic surfactant will cause it inactivate, heavy metal ions such as iron ions cause the product become discolored.
Seborrheic dermatitis is a very common eczema-like process, the incidence rate in general population is 1% to 3%, but in patients with HIV infection can reach 80%. Although it can occur very early, but the lesions scope and severity will increase with the HIV infection progress, the clinical manifestations is erythema and desquamation, skin lesions can be more diffuse or limited to the limitations of the scalp plaques, including the front of ear, the ear and ear canal district, the central region of the face, especially eyebrows and nasolabial folds and chin area. Other parts may also be involved, such as genitalia, groin, armpits, chest and pubic symphysis. Patients with severe immune deficiency, eczema -like lesions will develop into erythroderma.
The etiology of seborrheic dermatitis is uncertain, currently think that it may be associated with certain factors, such as the sebaceous glands increased, nerve disorders, emotional stimulation and oval pityrosporum infection, the latter is the normal parasites of skin. Standard treatments including topical application low to intermediate-acting corticosteroid preparations, topical antifungal agents such as imidazole drugs have a good effect on the yeast. Scalp lesions use the shampoo that containing coal tar, selenium sulfide, pyrithionc zinc, salicylic acid and so on can be very effective.
The application of tungsten in various industries
Steel Industry Most of tungsten applied in the production of special steels. The widely used high-speed steel was containing 9-24% of tungsten, 3.8-4.6% of chromium, 1-5% of vanadium, 4-7% of cobalt, 0.7-1.5% of carbon.Magic effects of coconut oil
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Nano-aluminum powder, a material with remarkable properties due to its minuscule particle size, is revolutionizing various industries with its high reactivity and large specific surface area. Unlike its bulk counterpart, nano-aluminum powder begins to oxidize at a lower temperature of 550°C, compared to the 950°C oxidation point of ordinary aluminum. This lower ignition energy and full combustion without apparent cohesion make it a superior choice for applications requiring high energy and efficiency. The unique characteristics of nano-aluminum powder, such as faster burning rates and greater heat release, are largely influenced by its synthesis method, which determines its particle size, surface area, and shape.