Essential oils nourish the body and make us healthy because they are a rich source of vitamins, proteins, and other raw materials that are necessaries part of the body. Like the engine oils of automobiles, the essential oils are a need of our body.
Cajuput oil, which is botanically acknowledged as Melaleuca Cajupate is one of the extensively used variety of essential oils. The oil of Cajuput is extracted from the leaves and twigs of the white wood tree through a process of steam distillation. The White wood tree has beautiful white flowers, flexible trunk and pointed leaves. This tree is found in the Malay Archipelago, Malay Peninsula, and some parts of Australia. The oil of Cajuput has a yellow tinge and fruit like aroma.
For the treatment of throat infections and cold, the Cajuput oil is used. It brings down the body temperature and promotes sweating. Hence, this oil is very useful in treating fever. Its analgesic properties cure earaches, headaches, and toothache. Effectively used to treat acne, colic and minor burns, It is also highly beneficial in treating the infections occurred by the yeast like Candida.
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